Want to know exactly how a Ransomware attack happens?

Ransomware, or ransomware, is one of the most destructive types of malware, and the share of Ransomware in attacks against businesses has grown steadily in recent years. According to a study by Acronis Cyber ​​Threats Report, at the end of 2020, it was ransomware that became the No. 1 threat to businesses and organizations around the world.

Today we invite you to take part in a very informative event - on June 16, 2021, we will conduct an analysis of the Ransomware attack and the practice of countering it in real time. In addition, we will tell you about the main trends on the Ransomware front, as well as hold a discussion with experts and answer questions from participants. You can register for the demo here .

Many people think that setting up a backup is enough to protect against Ransomware. But in practice, everything turns out to be not so simple. For example, the recent attacks on the American fuel company Colonial Pipeline, as well as the Australian-American meat supplier JBS SA, have shown that the damage from Ransomware can be impressive. And even if you think that the defense is β€œokay”, only a real attack can show if this is so. 

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  • (Graham Cluley), Smashing Security podcast. ( Acronis Global Cyber Summit, - (Carole Theriault), ). , -, .

  • (James Grove), - Southampton FC. β€” 16 . 10 Navitas. , -. -, . , , .

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16 16:00 (15:00 CEST). . , , Ransomware!


  • Ransomware,  

  • Ransomware -

  • Acronis

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