Apple is killing TeamCity, Bitrise, Appcenter, Fastlane, Firebase, Sentry and others like them. A quick tour of Xcode Cloud

The headline is certainly loud, it may not kill, but it will definitely reduce their income. Let's take a quick look at what Apple presented at WWDC 2021, what is Xcode Cloud?

Xcode Cloud is a CI / CD service built into Xcode and designed specifically for Apple developers. It accelerates application development and delivery by combining cloud-based tools that help build applications, run automated tests in parallel, deliver applications to testers, and view and manage user feedback.

The development cycle, according to Apple, consists of stages 1) Write the code 2) test it 3) Integrate (into the current one) 4) Deliver to the user 5) Improve, and over again. That's why it is a cycle. In principle, it looks like the truth, the way it is.

If you have ever set up CI / CD for iOS applications, you know roughly what steps are there, nothing complicated, but this may include using several services, generating certificates, etc., etc.

Apple Xcode, .

workflow, PR/MR (pull request/merge request) main/develop .


1) Xcode Xcode Cloud " workflow"

Name - , Start condition – ( main ), Environment - Xcode , Actions - , archive TestFlight, , Post-Actions - , slack/telegram


3) ( )

, Xcode , ,

( )

1) " "

2) ( pull/merge request - )

3) (UI Unit ), , Appium , .

4) Slack


II –

1) ,

2) iPad Air, Light mode, , ,

3) ,

4) , Flaky ( , ), XCTExpectFailure ( – )


III - ( Xcode)

1) ( , git). ( ) "" pr/mr , , approve ( )

2) ,

3) , Xcode pr/mr ( gitlab/github/bitbucket )

IV - (Crashes//)

1) / Xcode ( Firebase Sentry), (symbolized log),

2) ( ) ( !)



Xcode Cloud , (provision) , UDID .

, . , , , iOS.



And it is not yet clear what with Android, because usually CI / CD services are used for two platforms at once, since applications are usually also developed for two platforms. But maybe someday it will be possible to write Android applications in Xcode too))

I took the image and information from the WWDC 2021 video sessions, who are interested in how it looks like here is a video about Xcode Cloud .

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