DataScience Digest - 10.06.21

Greetings to all!

For a long time I have not published the latest issues of Data Science Digest , but now it's time to revive it. The digest will be published weekly on Thursdays. 

Meet the latest release of the digest of useful materials from the world of Data Science & Machine Learning and do not forget to subscribe to our Telegram channel .


Fraud Detection: Using Relational Graph Learning to Detect Collusion β€” Uber Engineering , (RGCN) .

Airflow and Ray: A Data Science Story β€” Ray Apache Airflow, Airflow DAG ML .

PyCaret 101 β€” For Beginners β€” PyCaret, ML .

High-Performance Speech Recognition with No Supervision at All β€” Facebook AI wav2vec Unsupervised (wav2vec-U), . 

Introducing Orbit, An Open Source Package for Time Series Inference and Forecasting β€” Orbit (Object-ORiented BayesIan Time Series), , Uber Engineering.

Lessons on ML Platforms β€” From Netflix, DoorDash, Spotify, and More β€” , ML . , .

Easy MLOps with PyCaret + MLflow β€” PyCaret  MLflow MLOps ML .

R vs Python: The Data Science Language Debate β€” , Data Science. .

Data Scientist vs Machine Learning Engineer Skills. Here’s the Difference β€” ML ? , .

AutoNLP: Automatic Text Classification with SOTA Models β€” AutoML, NLP .

Animating Pictures with Eulerian Motion Fields β€” . 

DatasetGAN: Efficient Labeled Data Factory with Minimal Human Effort β€” DatasetGAN β€” . .

Long Text Generation by Modeling Sentence-Level and Discourse-Level Coherence β€” . , , .

CogView: Mastering Text-to-Image Generation via Transformers β€” CogView β€” 4 VQ-VAE, , , GAN .

GAN Prior Embedded Network for Blind Face Restoration in the Wild β€” , β€œ ” , .

Image Cropping on Twitter: Fairness Metrics, their Limitations, and the Importance of Representation, Design, and Agency β€” Twitter. , .

Full Stack Deep Learning - UC Berkeley - 2021 β€” . 22 .

Know Your Data β€” 70+ TensorFlow .

Albumentations β€” CV , . , , .

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