And what would Linus say: welcome to the winners of the first habra of the Corp Blog Awards

We recently announced the best in the Corp Blog Awards, which could be nominated for corporate blogs making cool hub content. We have already solemnly presented them with prizes and a champion belt . But material rewards are not the main thing.

We decided to give special greetings to the best of the best in each category, and at the same time to explain how and why they distinguished themselves. We will not do this alone. Prominent experts in different industries will help us: people who really know what they are talking about, and whose authority Habr completely trusts - from the founder of PayPal to the father of the Internet.

Of course, we did not interview them specifically for this article, especially since some have already left this world altogether. But each of them is well versed in their topic and told a lot about it. And one of the main tasks of our resource is to be a large and accessible library of technical expertise. It doesn't matter who the source is: single specialists, corporate blogs, or even giants of thought from various industries who have never written on Habré themselves. Therefore, we have collected in the article quotes from the greats that most closely match our categories - and the winners in them.

Best Development Blog

According to the generous lifelong dictator of Python Guido van Rossum, the code performs exactly the same function as a blog on Habré - it is primarily a means of communication:

“A programmer writes code primarily to communicate with other programmers. And only to a much lesser extent in order to impose their will on the computer. "

Guido van Rossum

The winners in the Development category - Yandex blog - not only made a great contribution to the development of the developer community, but also excelled in the art of persuading hardware to do exactly what we want.

Best System Administration Blog

The sysadmin has no goal, only a path. The path on which the system always works stably, and the sysadmin's own work to improve it and maintain balance remains invisible. At the origins of the path - Grace Hopper, the author of the term "debugging" and the first compiler, as well as the first administrator of the entire US Navy:

“The carts of the pioneers were dragged by bulls. And when the bull alone could not pull the load, our ancestors did not try to raise the bull larger. And we don't need large computers, but computer systems that have been taught to work together. Until the beaker is half empty and half full. It's just too big. "

Grace Hopper

Congratulations to the guru of digital orderbooks of the optimal size, ronin, following the thorny path of the IT infrastructure, - RUVDS blog .

Best Mobile Development Blog

Shifting the focus of development from PCs to mobile devices is a major technological and economic change in our era. On why this change happened - Andy Rubin, creator and ideologist of Android:

“Undoubtedly, it was Apple who saw the future and guessed the moment when the technology was ready for consumers, and consumers were ready for it. But when Android appeared on the market in 2008, there was Linux for phones, and Motorola had its own OS. There were, damn it, so many axles for smartphones. Each company wrote its own. And for a sharp development, it was precisely a horizontal operating system that was needed. That's how we made Android: with it, Samsung phones launched the same applications for the first time as Motorola phones. "

Andy Rubin

Glory to the adherents of the accomplished mobile globalization, revealing the secrets of development on Android and iOS, to the Dodo Engineering blog !

Best Pop Science Blog

Who said that an article on the intricacies of science and technology must necessarily be abstruse and boring? The science fiction and enlightener Isaac Asimov explains why interesting and driving science-pop is so important:

“Anti-intellectualism runs like a dark thread through our political and cultural life, pretending that the essence of democracy is that 'my ignorance is equal to your knowledge.' But the light of science is the same everywhere: by kindling it next to us, we thereby strengthen it for everyone. "

Isaac Asimov

Thank successors Asimov case, fighters against ignorance and just incredibly exciting authors nauchpop - blog " ".

Best Cloud Blog

Cloud services still sometimes seem to be the technology of the future, which is extremely difficult to understand. And although IT has been mastered in this difficult area for 15 years, not everyone believes in clouds. About the birth of cloud services - Andy Hertzfeld, developer of the Macintosh OS and one of the first ideologues of the cloud:

« Telescript ( : 1990 ) , , . . , . . , . , ».

We are sure Andy would be glad that the winners - the blog of the company Group - continue his work, tell and prove that the cloud is modern, necessary and important.

Blog - Big Data Expert

Rumor has it that the most coveted position in ten years will be a statistician. Why? On machine processing of datasets - array of quotes: Andrew McAfee, Lead Big Data Specialist at MIT, Jeffrey Moore, Management Consultant at Hi-Tech, Virginia Rometty, former CEO of IBM, and writer Mark Twain:

« — . , , , , . — Big Data».

« Big Data , , ».

«Big Data — . 18 , ».

« : , Big Data».

Ahem. It seems that not all of the Big Data data that we fed the computer for analysis was true. Nevertheless, congratulations on the victory of real experts in the field, carriers of insights about data arrays - the blog of the Rostelecom company .

Blog - information security expert

The digital world, of course, bears little resemblance to reality, but it has no less unique dangers. And it is not computers that need to be able to defend against these threats, but, above all, people. On why - Kevin Mitnick, an information security specialist, and in the past one of the top hackers in the world:

“Companies are spending millions on firewalls, encryption and secure devices. And this money is completely wasted, because it does not in any way affect the weakest link in the security chain: the people who use computer systems, administer them and are responsible for the protected information stored in them. Social engineering will break through any firewall. "

Kevin Mitnick

Cybersecurity is best taught on the Jet Infosystems blog . We congratulate them on their victory and hope that they gained experience in a different way than Kevin.

Blog - ML & AI Expert

How long to wait for the appearance of full-fledged artificial intelligence is unknown. But the achievements in this area are already impressive: neural networks successfully generate intelligible text, realistic portraits of people and abstract memes about cats. Modern machine learning is supported by its progenitor, Alan Turing:

« , , , -, , . , , , . , , . , ».

On Habré, neural networks of all stripes are very popular. And the best friends of future replicants are the Yandex blog , the authors of a lot of interesting theoretical and applied materials about ML.

This section was written with the active participation of GPT-3.

Open Source Promotion

Free software is great, there is nothing to argue about. Open Source has an open platform, so two speakers at once speak about its principles and merits - the creator of the GNU GPL Richard Stallman and the creator of Linux Linus Torvalds:

« — , , . , — ».

“The idea behind Open Source is simple. The source code, for example for OS, is freely available. Anyone can improve, change, use it. But all the results of these changes and improvements should also be freely available. It's just Zen. The project belongs to everyone - and to no one. There is constant, rapid progress on open source projects. Development teams work in parallel. And the results are achieved faster and easier than if they worked behind closed doors. So software is like sex: it's better when it's free! "

Linus Torvalds

We also congratulate the Flant blog from the open platform , contributing to Open Source with development and materials.

Best Fintech Blog

Fintech is the backbone of the modern economy, the golden child of technological progress and the spirit of entrepreneurship. About why today's business has the best place at the cutting edge of technology - Max Levchin, one of the founders of PayPal and the author of the first commercial application of CAPTCHA:

“Even in the early days of PayPal, we did collaborative filtering and machine learning to understand when and how a customer might try to cheat the system for money. But with the help of such methods, almost any behavior can be predicted with some accuracy. And technology has grown a lot since the founding of PayPal. The modern world is full of data that allows you to clearly and clearly see the client. "

Max Levchin

Deep technical and economic analysis combined with lucid explanations of economics distinguishes the winner in this nomination - blog of online broker ITI Capital .

Blog - an expert in digitalization

What is digitalization in general? This is the transition of business to bits, the strengthening of IT and digital technologies in traditional spheres of life. The main thesis of digitalization was given by the person who first described its concept - Nicholas Negroponte, Chairman of the MIT Media Laboratory:

“We are just beginning to realize that there are no boundaries or limits in cyberspace. Computation is no longer about computation. She is in life itself. Even in developing countries, children feel like a fish in water at the computer. By 2000, most people will be online one way or another. ”

Nicholas Negroponte

The thesis is fine, but the theory is dry and abstract. And it proves that the tree of digitalization is still greening , the winning blog of the Datana company in this category .

Best Teaching Blog

Education and IT in the modern world are simply inextricably linked. Especially now, because of the never-ending pandemic. On the field of online learning - one of its main ideologists, the head of the edX initiative, Anant Agarwal:

“We teach online the same MIT and Harvard courses we teach at universities. They weren't oversimplified. They are very difficult. But the certificate after their completion has considerable weight. It is high-quality online education that will change the educational system itself, and after it the world. A huge number of students around the world now have no access to a high-quality university education. And I believe that they are the ones who will be interested in learning over the Internet. We have the opportunity to bring people all over the world closer. "

Anant Agarwal

Together with the global student community, we would like to thank the Group blog for their contributions to the development of online learning and the excellent articles on education .

Best blog about the life of a geek

All Khabrovites are technologists to some extent. And how can you not like poking around in the thin device of hard and software? About the delights of passion for science and technology, their main fan in the world - Nikola Tesla:

“Life has always been and always will be an equation without a clue, but there are certain well-known expressions in it. So, I do not think that there is something more exciting in the world than the thrill that the heart of an inventor experiences when he sees how his invention is successfully implemented. This feeling can make a person forget about food, sleep, friends, love, everything in the world. "

Nikola Tesla

Congratulations to the Kaspersky Lab blog , which maintains this awe in the hearts of modern inventors, seasoned and budding technologists.

Best Wow Blog

To be able to surprise and intrigue a reader, even a permanent one, is a great art. Still, boredom is the main enemy of any person, with whom we struggle in different ways all our lives. The inimitable and shocking Salvador Dali about the importance of the wow effect, novelty and uniqueness:

“A true artist is not the one who gets inspired, but the one who inspires. Only the first person to compare girlish cheeks with rose petals was a poet. But the second one was already a fool. Anyone who wants to conquer human minds must be able to provoke. So sow confusion, do not destroy it. "

Salvador Dali

Following the genius, we call on the blog Dodo Engineering , the triumphs in this nomination, to continue publishing unusual materials and sowing positive confusion in the ranks of the Khabrav residents.

Best Corporate Blog Editorial

It's not easy to create good content. You need to draw up a cool long-term plan, prepare fresh and expert articles, constantly monitor trends ... Let's honor the work of the creative teams that do all this, in the words of Vint Surf, Tim Berners-Lee and Bob Kahn, the creators and first editors of the Internet itself:

“The flow of information is the essence of the Internet. Sharing information is the key to strength on the web. If you do not share your ideas, other smart people will not be able to do anything with them, and you yourself will remain anonymous and powerless. "

Screw Surf

“The web is a social invention, not a technical one. I created it not just as a high-tech toy, but with the specific goal of helping people who want to work together. The main purpose of the Internet is to support and improve our already network-like life in this world. We gather in families, groups and companies. We learn to trust each other thousands of miles away, although in reality we sometimes don’t trust even those who live around the corner. ”

Tim Berners-Lee

“You cannot look into a crystal ball and see the future. Society will determine the future of the Internet. "

Bob Kahn

The triumphants in this nomination, bringing their own bit of positiveness into the future of the Web, are the team of editors of the blog .

The best company blog on Habré

And in this nomination we will do without hesitation.

As we already mentioned, Habr for ourselves is like a large accessible bookcrossing. A collection of an array of interesting and deep knowledge on any technological issues. Which you can always turn to as a source of third-party knowledge. And which Habr users regularly supplement with their own. It doesn't matter if they write on personal or corporate blogs. It doesn't matter if they are strong in programming or in science pop. On Habré, everyone is equal, and the only capital common to all is expertise. And therefore the best corporate blog on the site for us is a blog that fully corresponds to this idea: depth, diversity and accessibility of knowledge.

This year, such a blog, the absolute champion of Habr, has become the expert and extremely fascinating blog Dodo Engineering , already noted in two other categories at the same time .

For contribution to the development of the IT community

Well, a separate respect for those who just barely reached the top awards this year, but also make cool hub content. Thanks (in the form of a special diploma) for the contribution to the development of the IT community to the companies Information Center , Positive Technologies , M.Video-Eldorado , Rostelecom-Solar , Online cinema ivi , Krok , Selectel , EPAM Systems , LANIT Group , Miro , Rambler Group and SimbirSoft...

So we have summed up the results of the first annual Corp Blog Awards. We hope that the winners, having received additional readers' attention, will not relax and will continue to burn as they did last year. And for the rest of the blogs, let this competition be an incentive to raise the bar of text quality higher. And be sure to compete with the current winners next year. We are already waiting for you and believe - the battle will be hot!

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