Universe theory part 2, continued. Energy-Space

The Universe is a single Energy-Space system, exactly together, as one and the same. Energy is space, this is the universe.

What is energy? By energy, we often mean oil, gas, heat and electricity in our outlet, many will think of the formula E = mc 2 , and so what is it in its most basic form ...

Try to imagine a canvas, for example, a tablecloth or a blanket, absolutely flat and even, this will be our empty coordinate system, if we compress this canvas in some place creating a seal, a clot, we will receive energy, i.e. compression itself, changes in space is energy, releasing the canvas, this compression will straighten back into an absolutely flat surface, while a wave will go along the surface, proportional to equal compression, this wave is also energy, propagating, the wave compresses and straightens back the surface, space, speed the propagation of such a wave is equal to the speed of light.

1. Basic reflections

Ie. energy is the magnitude or force of compression, the compaction of space, which distinguishes this space from the rest, i.e. from flat or less compressed, from zero or from nothing. A wave is also energy, i.e. compression, but propagating with the speed of light in all directions around a circle or a sphere, in fact, a wave is also a compaction of space, but enclosed not at some point, but propagating in all directions, distorting space. A wave is also energy, a change in space, which means that it also has gravity.

A wave has no mass as a static quantity, since mass characterizes energy in the form of a particle, i.e. change in space at one point, and the wave characterizes the energy in motion through space.

In a simple example, it's like squeezing a tablecloth, napkin or balloon in your hand, and then letting go, letting go, we will see the process of unclenching, space and energy itself will appear.

If a particle is energy concentrated to a point (sphere) in a static state, then a wave is a point (sphere) with an infinitely expanding radius, a transitional state of energy from matter to space.

Imagine a particle in the form of one point where energy is concentrated, the state is static, but if the static is broken, then this point (sphere) will begin to expand from its center in space, the energy of the wave (sphere) will gradually fall, while its radius will be grow, so the energy from the particle will go into the form of a wave that moves through space and at some point the wave will completely disappear, becoming part of space, space will become larger or it will become denser, with more energy, i.e. energy will pass from matter into the shape of space.

Fig. 11 Drawings depicting a photon as a point or ball, and its expansion in the form of a sphere or torus to its end point, creating space.

We can mentally perform the opposite action, compressing space, i.e. taking away part of the energy from it, we will receive a wave, continuing the compression we will receive a particle or matter, while the total space will become a little less, the universe will shrink a little, as it were, and since we will have a new particle, matter, the total energy will increase, those. gravity or matter will become a little more.

Apparently, this is why the energy is described by the formula E = mc 2... Let's analyze the parameters of this equation, we see m is mass, mass describes matter, i.e. the very compression of space and the speed of light is a constant describing a wave (light), we see that energy is characterized by only two parameters, this is the mass and the speed of light. This means, or follows from the fact that energy can be in two states in the form of matter or wave. Actually, there is no space in this formula, because energy does not depend on space, energy is space itself, and a little later we will consider this moment in more detail.

I would like to note that when we talk about matter, it makes sense to talk only about mass, since the speed of light in our case is a constant value, i.e. we can write the energy equation as e = mc or even so e = m, for example even so e = 4mc 2 , because for particles only mass matters, the rest will be constant.

Why do I pay attention to this point, the fact is that the formula e = mc 2 is very similar to the shape of the area of ​​a circle, s = Pi * r 2 , perhaps this is just a coincidence, but it does not seem to me that, in my opinion, it was more correct would consider the energy by the shape of the area of ​​the ball (sphere), since light propagates in all directions in space S = 4Pi * r 2 , perhaps the formula E = 4m * c 2is more correct, and there is no error in this either, we will just get the energy values, but in a different number system, it's like measuring the temperature in degrees Celsius, Kelvin or Fahrenheit, you can't say that some number system is not correct, just a scale divisions will be different. And the reason is that the energy of matter (particles) depends only on the mass.

So, why is there no space in this formula, and why energy is equal to space, I will try to explain this moment as clearly as possible, imagine an empty coordinate system, familiar to us from school, the X and Y axes, along the X axis we will have space, and along the y-axis we will have energy.

Fig.1 Empty coordinate system. There is no universe.

First, let's draw an empty coordinate system, this virtual system where there is nothing, absolute 0, zero where zero is equal to infinity, why is zero equal to infinity, the fact is that it makes no sense to measure this system, you can draw as many zeros as you like 0.000000 ... 0 and ad infinitum, no matter how many zeros you have, an empty coordinate system does not make sense, there is nothing in it, it can be said to be virtual or even does not exist at all. So, only with the appearance of energy, meaning appears in such a coordinate system and the possibility of measuring it appears, space appears, which means time and gravity.

Those. space, without energy, in our case it is an empty coordinate system equal to 0, it (space) does not exist, as empty and infinite as 0, and only with the appearance of energy does space itself appear, in our usual understanding.

That is why in the formula e = mc 2 , space does not appear, because P = E = mc 2 , because space is energy, only with the appearance of energy does space appear, only with the appearance of compression or distortion, gravity, everything, which is different from absolute zero, allows you to measure or interpret yourself as space-energy.

Fig. 2 The emergence of energy and the beginning of the spatial dimension.

Energy appeared, and the coordinate system began to move, acquired meaning and life, now we can talk about energy and space as a single whole, like the Universe. The amount of energy and space is inversely proportional, i.e. energy as a compression ratio gradually decreases while the value of space increases, i.e. space is a form of energy, a form of its measurement. Energy, as it were, goes into the form of space and vice versa.

Fig. 3. Graph of energy-space form change. From energy to space.

In such a coordinate system, with the appearance of energy, space also appears, i.e. if we take 1 as the maximum energy and 1 as the maximum space, then at the first moment of the appearance of energy, the energy value was equal to 0.999 ... and to infinity, and the value of space equal to 0.00000 ... .1 in total, these two components would give 1.

Fig ... 4 Scale E___P.

To be clear, it is better to represent it as a scale of E__________P, energy and space, and our universe is now somewhere on this scale.

Moreover, if E = 1, then P = 0, or if P = 1, then E = 0. In this case, we get an identical situation, the two-dimensional coordinate system X, Y loses its meaning.

And so the entire universe passes from the state of Energy to the state of Space, i.e. energy, as a degree of compression, is expanded into space, i.e. the universe in the coordinate energy decreases, and in the space coordinate increases.

You can try to imagine all this in the form of a wave or some kind of spring, string.

Fig. 5 Graphic representation of energy-space in the form of a wave. Matter-Wave-Space.

Let's try to display graphically the entire Energy-Space system in the usual X, Y coordinate system.

Fig. 6 Display of the entire universe.

It turns out that the universe is infinitely expanding, as long as it has energy, as long as there is something to expand, it has no boundaries, since there are no boundaries for an empty coordinate system, as long as there is light, matter (energy), which moves and will move and space itself expands , there is no edge of the universe as long as energy exists, in the form of a wave or matter, moving in one direction, we will never reach the edge of the universe and never return to the starting point, we will move along an infinite coordinate system as long as we can move, as long as we exist, but how as soon as we stop, as soon as the last ray of light goes out and the last atom, electron, everything that is energy, the last wave will fade away, then space itself will disappear, i.e. the whole universe will be straightened.

Fig. 7 The universe at its last moment.

Those. the universe passes from one state, which we call Energy, to another, which we call Space.

Space is more like a field, low-energy, and energy in the form of particles of matter and waves is a high-energy state, more compressed and vibrating (vibrating in space).

And when the system reaches an extreme value, I suppose that it apparently just turns over, and E changes with P, i.e. energy becomes space, and space becomes energy. This can be called instantaneous compression or somehow, time ceases to exist at the extreme points of the system, as space without energy has no meaning, just as energy without space is meaningless and immeasurable, whether it happens instantly or after an infinitely long time, it makes no difference.

Fig 8 The overturning coordinate system of the universe.

Perhaps, infinitely expanding, the universe tends to its original state.

Fig. 8.1 New universe.

It turns out that the universe will expand as long as there is energy and its expansion rate will not be constant and even more, as soon as the universe loses most of its energy in the form of matter, i.e. will go into the form of space, the expansion rate will begin to slow down, since the energy in the form of matter will become less and less, and in the form of space, more and more, and at some point at the very last the universe will stop its expansion, reaching its extreme value, time and gravity disappear, and in general space will cease to exist, and we will get what we started with - an empty coordinate system.

Well, stop, you say, but what about the law of conservation of the energy of the universe? Yes, that's right, energy and space are directly proportional, we live in energy, wherever there is space, wherever there is energy, and if the universe began with nothing, then it will end with nothing.

So when the universe reaches such a state, time, space, gravity loses its meaning and disappears, the universe mathematically turns from one point to zero, and I think you yourself probably guess that the next stage the universe, apparently, repeats its cycle, so intuition suggests , we started with an empty coordinate system, we returned to it, which means the system is cyclical.

Fig. 10 Cycles of the universe.

This can be imagined as a graph of the life of the universe, its cyclical, a kind of cardiogram of the universe, very similar to something alive, isn't it? But more on that in another third part.

Why should the system turn over, what if the empty coordinate system rotates along its X or Y axis, along the Energy or Space axis? Those. when the universe straightens along one of its coordinates, it continues to rotate around this axis, and begins to move in the opposite direction, straightening along the Y axis, after which it reaches an absolutely flat value along the Y axis, rotating around this axis, the universe begins to move in the other direction to straighten and will straighten out along the X-axis. This is the process of turning the universe upside down, or turning it over, perhaps that's why everything in our universe moves and rotates.

Perhaps the universe has some kind of impulse, schematically it can be depicted as rotation around some axis, this impulse increases as it smooths out along some coordinate. This can be compared to a figure skater rotating on ice, the more she stretches into a line, the greater her rotation speed around the axis, and stretching more and more she will rotate faster and faster and sooner or later she will simply be stretched in the horizontal direction, which causes when reaching maximum new cycle.

2. Space

Many people imagine space as ether, Higgs field, strings, infinite crystal lattice, etc., but this is all almost true, only space is energy.

The Universe should be represented as an Energy-Space system, and energy and space are opposite to each other, in direction.

Fig. 9 Inverted display of the universe.

If we turn over the graph of the energy of space E, P, with an attempt to display the entire universe, we will see the familiar picture of the gravitational curvature of space under the action of massive bodies, from the theory of relativity.

Where black holes and space will be opposite each other, like two opposites vertical and horizontal. The mystery of the structure of black holes remains, are they homogeneous, thus, the maximum energy density is achieved, or inhomogeneous and compression and compaction continues further inside the black hole, the energy-space becomes even denser as it moves towards the center of the black hole or not?

The perpendicularity of space and matter (energy) is found in the theory of Ether.

The distortion of space is not understood correctly by many, in my opinion, in reality there is no curvature of space, there is only a change in its Energy (density), which is why our space is straight and there can be no wormholes, etc.

It might not be possible to tear apart the space.

If you are interested, you can read the first part, now you can look at it with different eyes, realizing that the universe is Energy-Space.

The theory of the universe, density of space, the universe as a liquid (Liquid Universe)

3. Calculate space

How to calculate space, the size of the universe, you need to take the mass of the entire universe, and we will get the value of the energy of the universe, the amount of its compression, and if we want to know the size of space, we need to multiply the mass of the entire universe by the speed of light, that is, convert the entire mass of the universe into the form waves, energies as waves, i.e. P - as the space of the entire universe will be equal to M - the mass of the entire universe multiplied by the speed of light, but we need the physical size of space, and not the energy, in this case we need to multiply by the lifetime of light, that is, a photon. as long as light can move, then the universe will exist.

You know that over time, light shifts to the red spectrum, i.e. the wavelength increases, i.e. the wave of light gradually straightens, fades and smoothes.

And so the space is equal to P = M * c * t, where t is the lifetime of a wave of light, a photon.

We are talking about the movement of light in emptiness into nothing, where there are no obstacles, where there is an empty coordinate system, and nothing interferes with the light.

According to the latest data, the lifetime of a photon is from 1 month to 3 years, while the time is relative and is considered precisely relative to the photon, in our case, in relation to us, it will be quintillion (or quadrillion) years.

Since light propagates in all directions, it is probably more accurate to consider space according to the formula for the area of ​​a sphere P = 4 * M * (c * t) 2... (the space of the entire universe is 4 times the mass of the entire universe and the square of the speed of light times the lifetime of light). The lifetime (c * t) 2 of light, time multiplied by the speed of light, is nothing more than a light year squared.

Photon lifetime.

If you remember that in the first article I wrote that gravity and time are a manifestation of the property of space, its density, now, with the understanding of energy as space, it becomes clearer that gravity is the density of space, i.e. energy, and the higher this density, the greater the energy of space, since space is energy, which is why the denser areas have more energy and attract each other more than the more empty areas, where the energy is less.

It is like shaking the particles in water, the heavier particles go down to each other, and the lighter ones are separated separately upward.

One interesting conclusion can be drawn, since we live in space-energy, we can get energy from space itself, we can get a particle or an atom from space itself, changing it, of course, this requires extra technology, but theoretically it should be possible. Matter turns into energy, and energy is space, therefore nothing prohibits performing the opposite action, converting space into energy and into matter.

Completed, space calculation.

Calculation of energy-space formula.

Based on the reasoning that energy-space and energy-matter are opposite sides of one single whole, and their sum gives a single unit, I think you need to start from this, then for matter energy-space will be equal to

P = 1 / E (1) - the energy formula- space for matter.

Where P is energy-space, E is energy-matter, calculated according to the formula E = mc 2 .

If matter is considered as a volumetric object, then the value of space for some point inside this object will be as the total energy-space divided by the volume of the object, usually a sphere.

P0 = P / V0


P is the energy-space of the central object

P0 is the value of space at some point in the object.

V0 is the volume of the object, usually a sphere.

2. Next, let's calculate the value of the space outside the object. proceeding from the fact that gravity is a property of space that characterizes its density, i.e. energy, and knowing that the force of gravity depends on the mass of the object and the distance to it, starting from the law of gravity, we consider the energy-space at a point in space relative to the central object of gravity.

P2 = (P * R 2 ) +1 (2) - Energy-space at a point at a distance from the object of gravity.


P2 is the energy-space at some point in space relative to the object.

P - energy-space of the central object

R 2 is the square distance from the object, i.e. R * R.

We do plus 1 because the distance cannot be less than 1, otherwise the opposite effect will work.

(Apparently what happens near black holes, when the energy-space approaches the critical value equal to 1, where a transition to another state occurs)

Now, knowing the magnitude of space, we can calculate the magnitude of the Energy-matter we are accustomed to.

E2 = 1 / P2 (3) - Energy-matter, or the mass that is contained in a point in space.


E2 - energy-matter corresponding to a point in space, usually less than 1.

P2 - energy-space at a point in space.

or for simplicity, open P2

Ie. E2 = 1 / (R 2 / E) +1 (3.2) - Energy-matter at a point in space relative to the central object of gravity


E2 - energy-matter at a point in space relative to the object of gravity

E - energy-matter of the object of gravity, mass m, E = mc 2

R 2 - distance of a point to an object of gravity, squared

The unit that appears is a border, a kind of phase transition between Energy and space, this is a value when when Energy cannot be defined as a Particle or a wave, and it becomes space. Light can be taken as this value if it is the minimum portion of energy for matter.

3. As for the volume, based on the formula number (2), then the Space can be calculated as the area described by the formula P2 = (P * R 2 ) +1

This will be the formula of a parabola, if the volume is a paraboloid.

Having received the volume and value of space, we can find out the amount of Energy-matter contained in this volume of space by the formula number (3) E2 = 1 / P2. And then you can convert this energy into matter, for example, kilograms

For complex objects, it may be necessary to summarize energy-space from several objects, such as a planet, star, black hole, etc.

The area of ​​the parabola, familiar to us from school. But for volume you need the volume of a paraboloid, a more complex formula.

The amount of space.


Calculation of the absolute value of the space size.

If the energy is E = m * c 2 , compare with the formula for the area of ​​the Sphere S = Pi * D 2, since light propagates in all directions, then m - mass is an analogue of the number Pi, universally describing matter, then the speed of light is an analogue of size, because all other quantities are relative and only from the speed of light can be repelled, then the volume of pure space, even without distortion and gravity, ideally elongated in the form of a sphere will be considered as the volume of the Sphere, a sphere.

V = 4/3 * m * (c / 2) 3 or as V = 1/6 * m * c 3 .


m is the mass.

c is the speed of light. (c 3 - the speed of light in a cube)

V - the volume of space, absolutely flat, without energy.

In this case, the mass depends only on the Energy-matter, therefore the matter can be transferred directly into space, and if we count the space, how much more it can be increased, then we need to count the energy-matter remaining in it, which at a point is less than 1, and if we count in volume then you need to start from the central object of gravity, the calculation was given above.

Let's calculate according to the formula V = 1/6 * m * c 3 the

volume of clean space for 1 kg. mass,

m = 1 kg, c - the speed of light is 299792458, then the volume will be

V = 4490667069562331 km 3

Knowing that this is a sphere, then the radius can be calculated by the formula

Vsf = 4/3 * Pi * R 3

Substitute the volume of the sphere and get the radius in kilometers

R = 102,364 km.

Everything after the decimal point is rounded.

We draw a conclusion in 1kg. matter contains space with a volume of 4490667069562331 km 3 , i.e. sphere with a radius of 102,364 km.

4. Modeling universes

You can try to imagine the entire universe at one point, which has no space and no size, if you allow this point to expand, then there will be a size, radius, ie. space will appear inside the sphere, with its appearance there will also be gravity, which will act in the opposite direction to expansion. And this sphere will expand until it loses all its energy, passing into space.

The Big Bang is not an outward explosion, it is an explosion or expansion that occurs inside this point (singularity), i.e. it is more correct to depict the big bang as directed inward with the expansion of its boundaries.

It turns out that we live inside a big bang, inside a singularity, i.e. inside a black hole, which is also true.

So the outer edge of the universe, most likely, does not.

Theoretically, you can even simulate different universes, putting different initial data, for example, the initial energy, mass, and changing it to look at the result. But for this, of course, you need to study the laws and rules of this big expansion.

What forces will act at the very beginning, will there be gravity, because gravity makes sense only when there is space and the difference in energy, in density, this space, when there are massive and small objects, and if the initial point is homogeneous, then the forces of similar gravity there simply isn't. Those. if you stand on the surface of the planet, then we feel gravity, but if we find ourselves in the center of the planet, we will be balanced, in zero gravity.

It makes sense to model the universe with small values ​​of energy, gradually adding the knowledge and laws received.

Fig. 12 Universe in stages.

Photo of the relict radiation of the universe.


5. Conclusion

It is very likely that the universe really consists of energy in the form of compression, vibrations, vibrations, and everything that has high energy, in the form of particles, a kind of closed vibrations has a high level of energy, vibrations that are not closed, propagate through space, are waves, and that which has a low vibration frequency tending to zero, straightens out and becomes space.

Interesting quotes for a snack.

"If you want to know the secrets of the universe - think in units of measurement of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nikola Tesla

β€œAs far as matter is concerned, we were all wrong. What we called matter is actually energy, the vibrations of which are so low that we can perceive it with the help of our senses. Matter does not exist. "

Albert Einstein.

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