Open data in Russia in 2021

Open data in Russia has officially existed for 8 years, June 10, 2013 was my post on Habré about the adoption of the relevant law.

What has changed over the years? Has it gotten better or worse? Do open data portals work? Is the data published?

For those who are interested in the state of open data in Russia, I decided to update the numbers and collect them as a set of facts:

  • for 2020, 223 datasets were published on the federal open data portal ( ), for 5 months of 2021 - only 2 datasets

  • In total, since 2020, the volume of these 225 data sets - 405 megabytes of which more than 390 megabytes are data from the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia (and that is, the suspicion that the numbers are overstated because there are duplicate entries in the register of data sets. Most likely, there is much less data in reality)

  • only 9,178 datasets out of 24,002 are published by federal authorities, the rest by regional and municipal

  • 10 federal executive authorities have not published a single new dataset since 2013 (for 8 years)

  • 20 federal executive authorities have not published a single new dataset since 2015 (for 6 years)

  • 42 federal executive authorities have not published a single new dataset since 2017 (for 4 years)

  • 68 2019 ( 2 )

  • 2020 2021 6

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