Who, where, when: Component system to separate team areas of responsibility

, PHP- Badoo Bumble. 200 -, . . 2006 , . , : , , . ยซ ยป โ€” , . 

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, . (DocBlock) :

  • @team โ€” , ;

  • @maintainer โ€” , ( ).

 * @team Team name <team@example.com>
 * @maintainer John Smith <john.smith@example.com>
 * @maintainer ....

. , PhpStorm โ€” . Git hook, , .

. , - โ€” . , Zabbix. โ€” , . , .

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  • (alias).

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Example of a component intranet page

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  • email;

  • , ;

  • , , Jira;

  • , , ;

  • : , ( , , );

 * @component component_alias

Git hook, . , , , @component . 

remote: ERROR in SomeClass.php:        
remote: * Unknown @component: UnknownComponent. You have to create component before using it in the code   

, , . , .

, , . , .

$componentManager = new \Components\ComponentManager();
$component = $componentManager->getComponent('component_alias');

$recipients = [];
foreach ($component->getMaintainers() as maintainer) {
    $recipients[] = $maintainer->getEmail();


$componentManager = new \Components\ComponentManager();
$component = $componentManager->getComponent('component_alias');

foreach ($component->getMaintainers() as $maintainer) {
    if ($maintainer->isDuty()) {
        return $maintainer;


PhpStorm, . , , .

IDE . (Slack).

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, , bus factor.

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PHP- , Sentry Splunk, . . 

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Badoo Bumble , . MySQL.  

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  2. ( , phpMyAdmin, Sequel Pro, IDE . .).

  3. .

  4. .


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