Testing and visualizing with Mind Map

Hello, Habr!

My name is Alexander Andreev, I am a quality engineer at Quadcode, and I will narrate the experience gained through the example of implementing such a method as Mind Map in the Android application testing team.

Briefly about the method

So, a mental map, mind map, mind map, connection diagram, or - Mind Map . The earliest mentions of such graphic records date back to the 3rd century AD. e. And in modern terms, the technique was developed by psychologist Tony Buzan in the late 1960s ( see the link to Wikipedia for more historical details). For myself, the concept / definition was derived in the following form:

Mind Map is a method / tool for visual display of information that allows you to effectively structure, decompose, and, accordingly, visually more effectively process the information generated by this method.

, , , , Mind Map - - . ! Mind Map , . .

, . , .  “-: ” Mind Map. , , , , , , . . , // , . , - , ( , =) ).

, Mind Map

Mind Map’ , “ ”.

, ( UI, 10+ , , , ..). , .

– Proof of Identity Proof of Address ( Mind Map – POI/POA) – , :

  • POI & POA ( , );

  • POI;

  • POA;

  • Feature Name;

  • UI (user interface);

  • Mobile Device Specific Case;

  • QA Check Flow;

, , , , // :

  • “ POA” “ POI” , , , , + “Special cases” ( , , , );

    Categories “POA Functionality” and “POI Functionality”.  This screen and screenshots below are made in the Miro service.  There will be a separate paragraph about the service itself below.
    “ POA” “ POI”. , Miro. .

( , )

, Mind Map, :

  • Feature Name. (, );

    Feature Name category.  An example of displaying a comment.
    Feature Name. .
  • UI. , ;

    UI category
  • Mobile Device Specific Case. ;

    Category Mobile Device Specific Case
    Mobile Device Specific Case
  • QA Check Flow. , , , 100% , , + ;

    QA Check Flow category.  An example of a "legend" to track the success of the tests.
    QA Check Flow. “” .

, ( Mind Map’a), , , . , “” Mind Map. , , , link’. , link’. , , , , , link .

An example of a link to navigate to the desired category.
link’a .

, , , Mind Map POI/POA .

Final Mind Map for POI / POA functionality
Mind Map POI/POA

( , )

Mind Map, , , , , – =). / . , , , , n- , .


  • ;

  • “” ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • User Story ;

  • (: User Story Bug Tracker. , - US. Figma);

  • (: , , , , - , , );

  • Mind Map’ , , “Ctrl-C ---> Ctrl-V” ( , ).

, . , , Mind Map, . , , .


  • , , - / ;

  • Mind Map, ( “ ” ). , , - ;

Mind Map Miro. Miro , Road Map’, Mind Map’, , . , .

Mind Map Miro, . . , Mind Map. , - , , . – , .

, . , , Miro , .

, Mind Map “ ”. “ mind map”, , , , .

Mind Map, , . .

, , , “” Mind Map, , : , , ? , Mind Map ? .

, Mind Map’a , Google Play Store. , .

, , Mind Map, :)

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