Summed up Tech Monsters Night

On June 4, 2021, the Tech Monsters Night Java developer battle from M.Video-Eldorado took place. Almost three hundred developers did not sleep on the night of June 4-5. The hackathon participants had a chance to zero prices for top-end equipment.

  • 3873 unique visitors to the landing page (5035 visits);
  • Registrations - 540;
  • Monsters came for the night - 286 people;
  • Problems solved - 203 people;
  • Stream conference views on YouTube - 554;
  • Zeroed out and took away gifts - 30 participants;
  • Coverage - over 30 million (including Habr and other media giants).

What does zero mean? Initially, on the landing page of the event, the equipment was "sold" (or - was exposed) at full cost, but with each decision sent by participants, prices fell. This happened in proportion to the submitted tasks. Until at one point the guys completely turned the prices into zeros, which just coincided with the sending of the latest decisions, and took the equipment as a gift.

The time of the competition was determined in Moscow, but the geography of the participants stretched from the Moscow region to Ulan-Ude and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Of the 540 registrations for the championship itself, 286 people came, which is more than half, given that the hackathon was atypical.

The organizers deliberately refused the cash prize, thereby excluding the participation of "sports programmers", for whom such competitions are a way of earning money.

As a result, there were not 3 winners, as usual, but as many as 30 prize-winners and 30 gifts. The best of the best monsters got top-end equipment: a powerful PC, widescreen monitor, gaming keyboards, computer mice and iPhone 12 mini, as well as stylish merchandise and other prizes.

The change of the leaderboard participants was just as interesting to watch as any other sports match. Those who at first took the lead and were in the top three, in the end were unable to gain a foothold at a long distance.

The final was generally unpredictable: just a few minutes before the end of the championship, the leader changed. it need to see ! A complete leaderboard with the names of the winners is on the landing page .

All 5 hours of the hackathon was accompanied by a stream conference on YouTube, where the presenter Alexey Obrovets spoke about a new vector in the company - digitalization and its own intranet. He also followed the rapid changes in the standings.

Another highlight of the stream was live interviews. Anyone could show their skills and prove their competence online. The answers were received by representatives of the HR-brand of the employer M.Video-Eldorado - Ekaterina Frolova and Ramil Akberov. As a result, two daredevils from among the volunteers passed an online interview. One of them even got a One night offer .

While viewers were watching the conference on YouTube, a contest for the best photo was held in the project's telegram chat . The participants shared the atmosphere in which they solve the assigned tasks. As a result, the organizers chose the most atmospheric photo that received a special prize.

In order for the forces not to completely leave the monsters of the code in the middle of the battle, they sent everyone an energy break - energy and pizza.

The championship has just ended, and questions have already appeared in the chat - when is the next Tech monsters night. Well, we answer - coming soon.

Who the monster knows!

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