What is Internet Computer Dfinity (ICP)?

Dfinity  wants to replace the cloud computing industry with its decentralized internet computer and build on it a new generation of mega applications.


  • What is Internet Computer?

  • What is the difference?

  • Timeline

  • How does Internet Computer work?

  • ICP Token

  • Benefits

  • What are the goals of Dfinity?

  • Internet Computer is cheaper and safer

  • Future

What is Internet Computer?

The nonprofit  Dfinity solution  is Internet Computer, which would reimagine the Internet as the primary computing platform for humanity.

Internet Computer β€“ , -, .

, , - – Uber, eBay, Facebook ..

Internet Computer?

Ethereum . Dfinity , Ethereum, .

Dfinity , Internet Computer - . , Bitcoin  10 , Ethereum – 15 ( ).

" , , , ."

Dominic Williams

Internet Computer

  • 2016:  .

  • 2018: 50 000 ICP airdrop.

  • 2018: Dfinity 102 .

  • 2020:  - Internet Computer.

  • 2021: Internet Computer . Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) .

Internet Computer?

,  ,  , .

Dfinity Proof of Stake ( Threshold Relay) . Dfinity . .

Internet Computer – "Chain Key TechnologyΒ«, - : Β» Β« Β» ". , .

, Internet Computer (NNS) , .


ICP , Internet Computer. Β« Β», , , , .

ICP , , Coinbase Pro . Binance, OKEx Huobi Global.

  • ​ .

  • ​ β€” Dfinity , , Ethereum.

  • ​ - (DApps) .

  • ​‍​ .


Dfinity , .

– , - .

Internet Computer , ?

Dfinity - , eBay Facebook.

, , .

Dfinity , Internet Computer -.

Internet Computer

, 2026 1 . Dfinity 101 , , , .

Dfinity 20- , 2020 Dfinity 200 .

DApps Internet Computer. Enso, (DEX), DSCVR, , Reddit.

In my Telegram channel, I help newbies, talk about interesting projects and keep a blog about investing in cryptocurrencies.

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