Digitalization of pharmaceuticals: results of the hackathon from BEAC EAPTEKI


Hello% username%! In mid-May, an announcement of the hackathon from the BEAC EAPTEK was published on Habré . It was held from 28 to 30 May, and now is the time to share the results. Looking ahead, it should be said that the participants came up with some interesting ideas that will probably be able to intensify the digitalization of the pharmaceutical industry in the Russian Federation. All the fun is under the cut.

I don't remember this post, what kind of hackathon?

It is hardly worth telling what a hackathon on Habré is. Let's talk about a specific event. Its goal is to involve participants in solving both the problems of customers of online pharmacies and in the task of optimizing the work of the pharmacies themselves. In addition, SBER EAPTEKA planned to attract new motivated specialists capable of solving the problems mentioned above.

It is at the hackathon that you can see good specialists, this is a great place to find and hire both juniors and middlemen. Here you can evaluate both the person and his code, the principles of work, the tools that he uses, and much more.

Developers (and not only) from such industries and directions as:

  • Frontend: React, Angular, jQuery, etc.
  • Backend: PHP, Python, SQL, Django, etc.
  • Mobile: Kotlin, Swift, etc.
  • Infrastructure: Selectel Cloud, Selectel S3 Cloud, Docker, Kubernetes.
  • As well as product and project managers, designers, analysts, architects.

The main thing at the hackathon is the idea of ​​the team and the possibility of its implementation. The assessment was carried out according to not the most complicated, but effective algorithm:

  • Originality of the idea (20%). How much the team's idea differs from what is implemented in other services and from what other teams have proposed.
  • Feasibility, scalability of the solution (30%). How well the solution matches the problem. Is the potential economic effect of implementing the solution significant? How difficult it is to scale the solution to modern devices.
  • Technical sophistication and user-friendliness of the interface (50%). How visually pleasing and user-friendly the interface is. How well the proposed solution is technically implemented. How clearly and completely did you convey the essence of the decision?

Some statistics

The participants turned out to be tough nuts, so to speak. At the start, there were 26 teams and 25 reached the final - this is just an excellent result.

Winners and prizes

The first place was taken by the NSHipsters team. The team proposed to rethink the main page of the SBER EAPTEKA application, with an emphasis on personalization. For this, the design was changed, new collections of goods were created. In addition, the team presented how the integration of BEAC EAPTEK looks like with SberHealth - when a patient receives a prescription and in a couple of clicks he collects the necessary medicines in the basket.

The team also thought out ready-made kits that make it possible to quickly assemble a basket with the necessary medicines. This is useful for reducing small purchases in favor of one big one with much less time wasted. Also, a communication channel with the client was added to the project - interaction was implemented using stories.

Command structure:

  • Abramenko Semyon
  • Petrov Evgeniy
  • Kubyshkin Evgeniy

The prize is 250,000 rubles.

Team comment: “Everything turned out the way we wanted. The mentors at 1 checkpoint confirmed our theories and ideas, and we began active development. Along the way, we adjusted the implementation as the checkpoints were passed ” .

The second place was deservedly received by the "Dollar for three hundred" team. The essence of the team's decision is to add the recommended drugs for the active ingredient to the drug search. The recommendation feed is sorted based on more than 10 parameters that are important both for the client - an affordable price, and for a business - marginality. Thanks to integration with XGBoost for training a neural network, the sorting coefficient is calculated as efficiently and correctly as possible.

Command structure:

  • Maxim Okuneev
  • Daniil Shklyarsky
  • Sergey Didenko
  • Maxim Borovik

Prize - 150,000 rubles.

“The teams were pleasantly surprised - they showed well-developed prototypes and original approaches to solving problems. Some of these ideas will certainly be further developed, and with their authors we would like to continue working as colleagues. Personally, I liked the projects with a voice assistant based on Salut and personalization of the application. These projects fall into our vision of an online pharmacy - simplifying purchases and an individual approach to each client , ”commented Denis Korablev, CPO of SBER EAPTEKI, on the results of the hackathon.

The third place was taken by the "Single Specialists" team. The team has developed a caring (for the patient) smart assistant of a smart pharmacy. The assistant makes it possible to:

  • Monitor medication intake through push notifications and calls.
  • Select analogs of drugs.
  • Fulfill regular orders.
  • Inform the purchaser on how to store and take medications.

Command structure:

  • Anton Pidgurnyak
  • Anna Savinkova
  • Artyom Norkin
  • Vitaly Gorbachev

The prize is 100,000 rubles.

Team comment: “The expectations from the hackathon were 100% met. Let's try to develop our idea and integrate it into SmartApp. "

In addition, there were additional prizes. Here is a list of teams and nominations:

  • The AppMed team received a prize for the most original idea. The prize is electric toothbrushes.
  • The MAD team won the “Most Convenient UI / UX” nomination, receiving compressor inhalers as a prize.
  • «Pharmzilla» -. — .
  • «Sensorem» — .
  • , « » . — .

“Despite the set framework for solving problems, the teams were not afraid to add ideas that went against their goals, they studied our interfaces and came up with very cool ideas that hit the target. Some teams have included pharmaceutical specialists, and in our field this is a very correct approach, to have in the team specialized specialists who are versed in medicine and pharmaceuticals. I would gladly take into consideration the proposals of the Nshipsters team on personalizing the pages, the Dream team hit the mark with the idea of ​​a voice assistant Salyut Sber. In general, many teams had the coolest ideas, it was very difficult to choose the winners , ”said Natalya Inozmetseva, product manager of SBER EAPTEKA.

Well, congratulations to the winners!

Don't switch, there are still many interesting hackathons ahead.

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