Hello, my name is Dmitry Karlovsky and before I also used Perl for frontend development. Just look at what concise code you can parse, for example, an email:
Here, however, several errors crept in. Well, nothing, we will fix it in the next release!
Jokes aside
As they grow, the regulars very quickly lose their clarity. It is not for nothing that there are dozens of services on the Internet for debugging regulars. Here are just a few of them:
- https://regex101.com/
- https://regexr.com/
- https://www.debuggex.com/
- https://extendsclass.com/regex-tester.html
, :
, , . 5 :
JS , ?
const text = 'lol;)'
// SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^(lol;)){2}$/: Unmatched ')'
const regexp = new RegExp( `^(${ text }){2}$` )
, , :
const VISA = /(?<type>4)\d{12}(?:\d{3})?/
const MasterCard = /(?<type>5)[12345]\d{14}/
// Invalid regular expression: /(?<type>4)\d{12}(?:\d{3})?|(?<type>5)[12345]\d{14}/: Duplicate capture group name
const CardNumber = new RegExp( VISA.source + '|' + MasterCard.source )
, , , ! ?
JS. XRegExp:
, , , .
DSL, JS . PEG.js:
- .
- — .
- .
- IDE.
- 2 .
, . .
TypeScript $mol_regexp:
. - ..
- , .
const {
char_only, latin_only, decimal_only,
begin, tab, line_end, end,
repeat, repeat_greedy, from,
} = $mol_regexp
import { $mol_regexp: {
char_only, decimal_only,
begin, tab, line_end,
repeat, from,
} } from 'mol_regexp'
// /4(?:\d){12,}?(?:(?:\d){3,}?){0,1}/gsu
const VISA = from([
repeat( decimal_only, 12 ),
[ repeat( decimal_only, 3 ) ],
// /5[12345](?:\d){14,}?/gsu
const MasterCard = from([
char_only( '12345' ),
repeat( decimal_only, 14 ),
- .
- .
- .
- . .
- ( ).
// /(?:(4(?:\d){12,}?(?:(?:\d){3,}?){0,1})|(5[12345](?:\d){14,}?))/gsu
const CardNumber = from({ VISA, MasterCard })
// /^(?:\t){0,}?(?:((?:(4(?:\d){12,}?(?:(?:\d){3,}?){0,1})|(5[12345](?:\d){14,}?))))(?:((?:\r){0,1}\n)|(\r))/gmsu
const CardRow = from(
[ begin, repeat( tab ), {CardNumber}, line_end ],
{ multiline: true },
const cards = `
for( const token of cards.matchAll( CardRow ) ) {
if( !token.groups ) {
if( !token[0].trim() ) continue
console.log( ' ', token[0].trim() )
const type = ''
|| token.groups.VISA && ' VISA'
|| token.groups.MasterCard && 'MasterCard'
console.log( type, token.groups.CardNumber )
, , . matchAll
, . $mol_regexp
. groups
. , , .
3123456789012 VISA 4123456789012 551234567890123 MasterCard 5512345678901234
const {
begin, end,
char_only, char_range,
latin_only, slash_back,
repeat_greedy, from,
} = $mol_regexp
const atom_char = char_only( latin_only, "!#$%&'*+/=?^`{|}~-" )
const atom = repeat_greedy( atom_char, 1 )
const dot_atom = from([ atom, repeat_greedy([ '.', atom ]) ])
const name_letter = char_only(
char_range( 0x01, 0x08 ),
0x0b, 0x0c,
char_range( 0x0e, 0x1f ),
char_range( 0x23, 0x5b ),
char_range( 0x5d, 0x7f ),
const quoted_pair = from([
char_range( 0x01, 0x09 ),
0x0b, 0x0c,
char_range( 0x0e, 0x7f ),
const name = repeat_greedy({ name_letter, quoted_pair })
const quoted_name = from([ '"', {name}, '"' ])
// :
const local_part = from({ dot_atom, quoted_name })
const domain = dot_atom
// ,
const mail = from([ begin, local_part, '@', {domain}, end ])
— . !
// SyntaxError: Wrong param: dot_atom=foo..bar
dot_atom: 'foo..bar',
domain: 'example.org',
, … :
// foo.bar@example.org
dot_atom: 'foo.bar',
domain: 'example.org',
// "foo..bar"@example.org
name: 'foo..bar',
domain: 'example.org',
, "" /snjat-dvushku/s-remontom/v-vihino
. , :
const translit = char_only( latin_only, '-' )
const place = repeat_greedy( translit )
const action = from({ rent: 'snjat', buy: 'kupit' })
const repaired = from( 's-remontom' )
const rooms = from({
one_room: 'odnushku',
two_room: 'dvushku',
any_room: 'kvartiru',
const route = from([
'/', {action}, '-', {rooms},
[ '/', {repaired} ],
[ '/v-', {place} ],
// `/snjat-dvushku/v-vihino`.matchAll(route).next().value.groups
action: "snjat",
rent: "snjat",
buy: "",
rooms: "dvushku",
one_room: "",
two_room: "dvushku",
any_room: "",
repaired: "",
place: "vihino",
, :
// /kupit-kvartiru/v-moskve
buy: true,
any_room: true,
repaired: false,
place: 'moskve',
, . false
, .
, , . 2 , . . groups
// time.source == "((\d{2}):(\d{2}))"
// time.groups == [ 'time', 'hours', 'minutes' ]
const time = from({
time: [
{ hours: repeat( decimal_only, 2 ) },
{ minutes: repeat( decimal_only, 2 ) },
, exec
- groups
time: '12:34',
hours: '12,
minutes: '34',
, , , , :
// time.source == "((\d{2}):(\d{2}))"
// time.groups == [ 'time', 'minutes' ]
const time = wrong_from({
time: [
{ minutes: repeat( decimal_only, 2 ) },
time: '12:34',
hours: '34,
minutes: undefined,
, , "" "0", "1" . — , , :
new RegExp( '|' + regexp.source ).exec('').length - 1
, String..match
. , , Symbol.match
. :
*[Symbol.matchAll] (str:string) {
const index = this.lastIndex
this.lastIndex = 0
while ( this.lastIndex < str.length ) {
const found = this.exec(str)
if( !found ) break
yield found
this.lastIndex = index
, , :
interface RegExpMatchArray { groups?: { [key: string]: string } }
, :
interface String {
match< RE extends RegExp >( regexp: RE ): ReturnType<
RE[ typeof Symbol.match ]
matchAll< RE extends RegExp >( regexp: RE ): ReturnType<
RE[ typeof Symbol.matchAll ]
TypeScript groups
, - .
- $mol_regexp.
- — MarkedText: $hyoo_marked.
- $mol, .
— , , , - ( ) .