Let me do the planning

When info-gypsies convince the public that you can learn a thousand or two English words in a day, they are beautiful in their simplicity. It is as if the Russian word nation is taken (for example, revolution), the suffix is ​​replaced, as it were, by the English suffix - tion and voila, we get the English word. And in such a way, they say, you can figure out a good third of the vocabulary fund. And take possession of her.

-, . -, – (t)ion ( ), (- io), . -, , . – β€œβ€ – tion, intelligence , .

Intelligence, , . , , .

-. , , .

[ ] . , , : – , – , – , – , – , – . .. , : , , , , , , , , .

. der Wind – wind, die Sonne – sun, der Mond – moon, der Donner – thunder, der Regen – rain, der Schnee – snow, das Eis – ice, die Erde – earth, der Winter – winter, der Sommer – summer, der Tag – day, die Nacht – night, das Feuer – fire, das Wasser – water, der Wolf – wolf, der Fuchs – fox, der BΓ€r – bear, der Hase – hare, der Fisch – fish, die See – sea, der Weizen – wheat, die Eiche – oak, sΓ€en – saw, der Pflug – plough, die Kuh – cow, das Schaf – sheep, der Ochse – ox, die Milch – milk, die Wolle – wool, das Auge – eye, das Ohr – ear, die Nase – nose, das Herz – heart, die Hand – hand, der Fuß – foot, der Arm – arm, das Haar – hair, stehen – stand, sitzen – seat, schlafen – sleep, denken – think, trinken – drink, essen – eat, liegen – lay, lieben – love, hassen – hate, rennen – run, gehen – go, kommen – come.

,  c . – – tion. ( , ) .

. . , , der nd/moon der Monat/month, messen (. . measure, c. metan) – β€œβ€, – .

, ( ).

, das Weib ( β€œβ€) wife - β€œ , ”, .. wΔ«b (VII .), .. wΔ«p, . wΔ«f, .-. wΔ«f. , , woman  – .-. wΔ«fmann, β€˜β€œWeibsmensch”. ( β€œ ” .)

. dumm () . dumb (). . (VIII-XI ) tumb (, , , ), (XI-XIV ) –  tump ( , ).

, . : der Himmel – heaven, . himins, . himils, . heofon, . *khemina-, . *kem-/*kam- «», - Β« Β» . . : *H*ekmon - "", "", "". Das Heim home , , .


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