About recruiting at Apple

Steve Jobs:

The best people lead themselves - there is no need to lead them. When they know what is needed, they figure out how to achieve it - they don't need guidance at all. What they need is a shared vision - and that is where leadership lies. Leadership is about having a vision, the ability to articulate it clearly and reach a consensus about it.

We needed people who were insanely good at what they did - people who weren't necessarily seasoned professionals, but who had an understanding and passion for the latest technology and an understanding of what we can do with those technologies. The coolest thing that happens is if you have a core of ten great people, then they themselves begin to monitor who they let into their group. Therefore, I believe that the most important function of a person like me is recruiting.

Apple employee:

We were worried about hiring. We interviewed. I went back and looked at some of the interviews again. They started at 9:00 or 10:00 am and continued until lunchtime. The candidate has spoken to everyone in the building at least once or even a couple of times. Then I came back for another round of interviews and then we got together and talked all together. Then they filled out a questionnaire.

Another Apple employee:

No, they never filled out a questionnaire. The defining moment of the interview - at least I remember - was when we finally decided that we liked them enough to show them a prototype Macintosh and we sat them in front of him. If they just said with some boredom that it was a good computer, we didn’t take them. We wanted their eyes to light up, to really come to life. This made us understand that they are one of us.


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Inside the case of each Macintosh, invisible to the user, there are the signatures of the entire team. This is how Apple emphasizes that their latest innovation is the product of the individuals who created it, not the corporation.

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