What to expect for a developer from WWDC 2021

Hello everyone, I am with you, Anna Zharkova, lead developer at Usetech.

We were looking forward to the new WWDC session, especially after last year's changes, and finally we got it! Someone was disappointed with Keynote because people were expecting more and more in terms of announcements and features. But we know that we have a whole week ahead of us, and a lot of interesting video sessions on new products in iOS and Swift, for which Apple and Keynote's shortcomings can be forgiven.

So let's go through what awaits us .

In principle, all sessions can be divided into several groups:

  • iOS and Swift novelties;

  • new items SwiftUI, Widgets;

  • accessibility;

  • new features support

1. Concurrency, async / await

The most anticipated thing of this WWDC, in my opinion. In Swift 5.5, a lot of proposals were added to implement the concurrency mechanism on async / await.

Concurrency (aka multithreading) was in Swift before, but earlier we used Grand Central Dispatch with closure and callbacks. At times, the code turned into callback-hell, and the loss of calling at least one callback turned debugging into an exciting adventure.

Now we will get async / await, similar in syntax to the Task implementation (by the way, Task will be there) in .Net. Someone compares this to coroutines. In my opinion, this is not entirely true, but let's see after the session about Actors.

Either way, this is a huge and global change that will turn the code into candy. 

, SwiftUI, Core Data, .

8 - 10 .

2. SwiftUI

- SwiftUI, . Apple , .

"What's new in SwifUI" UI , (. Apple). , WatchOS MacOS.

SwiftUI, CoreData, . . "Demystify SwiftUI" ( , ).

, Apple SwiftUI - . , , "so much more".

3. Swift, Foundation, UIKit

Swift 5.5, , . , "What‘s new in Swift".

Foundation . , . " "()

. UIKit c iPadOS, MacOS, "What's new in UIKit". - action sheet, Apple “Modernizing Your UI for iOS 13”.

4. Widgets, AppClips

WWDC 2020 ( SwiftUI) iOS. , , . , .

Apple , .

App Clips. , "Explore App Clips” “Configure and link your App Clips”, -, , , ( 10 ).

5. Network, Privacy, Performance

, , , , , . , .

. - Apple .

. , , Network framework, .

6. , , ML, AR

, FaceTime, 3D , Object Capture , , , ARKit. .

AVFoundation, Apple Music Api, MusicKit (Meet MusicKit for Swift) ShazamKit.

7. Accessibility

, , , . WWDC 2021 . , SwiftUI, , VoiceOver Siri.

8. XCode Cloud, Testflight for MacOS

Apple CI/CD . , . , workflow, .

Testflight , iMac. , Xcode Cloud. Meet TestFlight on Mac.

, . , , .

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