Cosmodrome "Vostochny". May 2021. Construction

At the end of May, I was lucky to get into a group of bloggers invited by Roscosmos to launch OneWeb satellites from the Vostochny cosmodrome. Under the cut, the first part is a story about construction projects: the launch complex of the "Angara" carrier rocket and a residential town.

Launch complex under construction "Angara", view from the end of the gas reflector
Launch complex under construction "Angara", view from the end of the gas reflector

The sense of presence is best conveyed by 360 ° video.

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It's like a field kitchen - it doesn't look heroic, but a hungry soldier, even with high-tech equipment, won't fight much. Moreover, this requires not a minute impulse, but a long work.

This concludes our walk through the facilities under construction, in the second part there will be an excursion to the start with an installed rocket and types of launch from the observation deck.

I express my gratitude to Roskosmos for the invitation to the press tour.

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