Public technical interview for middle front-end developer: June 15 at 19.00

On June 15 at 19:00 (Moscow time) Yandex.Practicum will hold an open public interview for a test vacancy for a middle front-end developer. There will be two interviewees, the candidate and the vacancy he applied for. Participants will be able not only to follow what is happening, but also to ask questions to speakers.

The event will be useful for those who are doing technical interviews on the front-end and want to test themselves, as well as for those who conduct interviews themselves and are interested in new techniques.


Semyon Levenson - Frontend developer at Yandex.Zen, as the first interviewee.

Alexey Malinov - ex. Frontend developer at Yandex.Market, as a second interviewer.

Vladimir Surygin is a front-end developer with a year and a half experience, as an interviewee, a graduate of the Middle Frontend Developer course .

The webinar will take place on June 15 at 19.00 (Moscow time). Details and registration .

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