Mobile containers for separate data storage

Employers have become accustomed to the fact that they can not reimburse the costs of employees who use their cars, apartments and other property for business purposes. Therefore, the idea of ​​using personal smartphones for work quickly found its adherents.

But this "medal" is also two-sided. Employees demand guarantees that the employer does not read their correspondence or look at their photographs. Employers, in turn, are against employees sharing corporate documents on social networks or transmitting them to the media.

In this article, we will talk about what containerization technologies exist and whether they can be used to effectively separate corporate and personal data on mobile devices.

Why do employers and their employees need a container?

Employers and employees want the container to protect THEIR secrets. Only the secrets of each side are on opposite sides of the container - the employer's secrets are inside the container, and the employee's secrets are outside.

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