Why certification is important, how to prepare and take exams AWS, Azure, GCP, etc ...

Immediately from the positive and obvious

By themselves, exams and certificates do not carry anything negative, the negative aspects will be discussed below, let's start with the positive and obvious ones:

  • Certification confirms your technical knowledge (increases the "visibility" of your CV for a new project / customer)

  • Allows you to move in a profession, for example from the intermediate level to the "Professional" level

  • Preparing for certification closes knowledge gaps

  • Allows you to highlight the area of ​​necessary knowledge for different roles: Developer, DevOps, SysOps Administrator, divide into "Middle / Associate", "Professional / Senior" level and determine "how much" you need to study (see the figure below). For example, you worked with the cloud on one project for 3 years, began to prepare for the AWS Certified Sysops Administrator and it turned out that there was enough knowledge for the project and you have been an authority for a long time, but for a mid-level certificate there is no from the trap of the "eternal middle" if the project is simple)

  • Shows the technology from the manufacturer's point of view

  • At interviews, candidates with certificates speak in a more structured way

  • As a result, it can help you move to the next level in your career (for example, from Middle to Senior) and in some cases will attract projects

Negative and positive use of certification

Negative: " I received a certificate, give me an x2 increase " - if you plan to increase your salary, it is better to discuss this point and clarify in advance whether your certification is in demand for the company or your department. If you received one certificate and immediately began to press that the salary should be increased, you will simply meet resistance.

Positive: when preparing for a promotion, it is better to show 2-3 or 3-4 achievements, depending on the position and requirements. Certification facilitates this process, for example, you can show your willingness to be promoted by presenting several achievements:

  • Terraform

  • A2+ B1

  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator

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: " " - , . 10 Azure , " ?", . , . , - .

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: , technology evangelist, "" .

. cloud , :

  • (hands-on experience )

, . . , . , "" "". . , whizlabs 7 "AWS Certified Solutions Architect", 65 ( ). "PASS", - .

roadmap "AWS Certified Solutions Architect". Azure, Google Cloud . ( Free Tier - . Free Tier , ).

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect" preparation roadmap:

  1. : "A Cloud Guru: AWS Solutions Architect Associate" udemy ( 7 "A Cloud Guru". , udemy 10 )



  2. : AWS Solutions Architect, whizlabs.


  3. : AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate - Practice Tests


  4. ( , Pearson VUE AWS , ):


If you successfully passed the exam, but still, the certification does not make you happy, this is an invaluable experience and you can move on and try other ways to influence your career. In most cases, after success in the first exam, the candidate begins to enjoy the process and moves along the certification path to the Senior / Professional level.

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