Ecola corn 27w premium, don't touch me

I wanted to call this article " killer corn ", but the headline is very yellow ...

After reviewing the Gauss 8w cordless lamp or unexploded ordnance , I thought I had found the bottom of the LED builders, but there is no limit to perfection.

We meet a new contender in the nomination "the most dangerous lamp of the year", the creation of a Chinese- Russian gloomy genius - 27W corn from Ecola, with a proud Premium inscription, worth ~ 600r. Advertising slogan: 0% ripple rate :)

I will not talk about the spectrum, about the fact that it is not recommended to use open LEDs (compare this to a bare MGL because of the luminous flux density), I will not talk about multi-shadows - and they are terrible under it. Judging by the appearance, you will buy this lamp in the toilet / bathroom, but be careful ...

Actual characteristics: 25.5W, PF (cosf) ~ 0.55 - and this with a power of 27W, it was the low PF and light weight that made me think about the bad. PF, at this power, should be 0.9

Oh, not in vain, the manufacturer warns about insulating gloves and children ...

The voltage on the contacts is only 15.6V, but the low PF haunts, we disassemble the lamp. The lamp can be easily disassembled, there is no radiator inside - so the declared 30,000 hours are probably extra 0 , with a power of 27W it will not work.

We take out the LED driver

My fears were confirmed in full, the lamp uses an uninsulated driver with a choke . What you can’t do for the sake of cost reduction! To confirm my words, we use a tester to close one contact on the lamp housing to ground, on the device more than 100V. Next, we directly short-circuit this soldering to the ground - the RCD is triggered.

I have everything, this is the smallest article, but it left me a very large residue.

It remains only to find out how they received the security certificate.

read on power supplies

here are photos of isolated and non-isolated driver

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