Train high-quality models without DensePose markup

Is it possible to train a high-quality model that predicts the 3D coordinates of the animal's body surface from a photograph, without the corresponding DensePose markup?

Researchers from Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research raised this issue at the CVPR 2020 machine vision conference.


About the DensePose task

DensePose-COCO , (). COCO 2014.



  • bounding boxes ,

  • pixel-perfect foreground-background ,

  • 32 , ,

  • (c, u, v) , cβ€Šβ€”β€Š , u , vβ€Šβ€”β€Š .


( ) 3D , .. 2D SMPL . (c, u, v) .

5 50 COCO 2014.

Mask-RCNN 3D .

- . , . :


DensePose-COCO COCO Dataset , 3D . . , , , .

DensePose Average Precision = 34.9. , = 46.8. , 0 100. knowledge transferring?

, ( , ). SMPL 3D .

, , .

Show me the code!

As is usually the case with articles published by eminent scientific groups like FAIR - they are accompanied by a code. For both articles, it is available inside the official detectron2 repository on GitHub  .

Early code from the first article, written using the first version of detectron, which is based on Caffe2, can also be found on GitHub.

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