Just a game. Not computer, paper

I drew attention to the frequently encountered articles on the topic β€œmy life / experience there”. States, Spain, OAE, etc. I thought that some of the Khabrovites had already moved, others were intending, others decided to stay, the fourth were in thought - they did not know what to decide. This game is for those who are not sure which decision will be correct. The game concerns not only moving, but practically everything. Any choice. What features can be added to the program, and which can be added later? What appetizer to prepare for the New Year's table? Anything.

At the fork in the paths-roads lies the Prophetic Stone, and on it the inscription: β€œIf you go to the right, you will lose your horse, you will save yourself; you go to the left - you will lose yourself, you will save the horse; if you go straight, you will lose yourself and your horse. "

About five years ago, a friend asked for advice - to leave or stay? What to say? What to say? Giving advice to others is, firstly, a huge responsibility, and secondly, what is good for a Russian is death for a German. Give good advice from your heart ... and you will disfigure a person's life. People are different, very different. How to help, but not get into someone else's life with your advice?

Cut 2 sheets of paper in half, then again, got 8 ribbons. 29.7 x 5.25, say about 30 x 5 cm. I put the tapes in a pile and cut them into 6 pieces. It turned out pieces of paper about 5 x 5 cm.

I asked her to think carefully about what she wants in life. He suggested a beginning: - you want to live, you want good health, you want to get married, you want children, you want a wonderful house, a cool car, visit remote countries every year, and so on. Take the sheets and write one wish on each one. An hour later, all 48 pieces of paper were filled with her wishes. We went down to the floor, onto the carpet, and I spread all 48 sheets of paper down with my desire.

- Take any two sheets at random. Read your wishes and compare them. But they must be compared very strictly. Not in the sense of "which will come true first" but in the sense "if I choose the first, then the second will never come true." Never! For example, I pulled out a wonderful house and I want children, if you choose a beautiful house, then you will never have children, and vice versa - you want to choose children and live your whole life in a communal apartment.

After comparing, put them on the right. Closer to yourself is less important, farther away is more important. Then take a new sheet, compare it with the already sorted ones and find its place (more important than ... less important than ...). The aim of this game is to sort your desires from most important to least important.

She took the sheets, read, compared, at first relaxed and then began to blush. After 15 minutes, she turned face down all her sorted desires. Until the end of the game, I watched and compared stealthily, so that I would not see.

More than an hour, maybe two. We finished. She blushed, happy, asks - Did you come up with this? - Yes.

Today she says that this game helped her to understand what she wants in life. Maybe it's true. I do not know.


Guys, your new editor is very bad. Old is just bad. I will make it normal, relatively inexpensive.

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