Have we lost our anonymity?

IT technologies are developing every year. Many corporations are in full swing developing technological approaches in the collection and processing of information received. One of such approaches is the use of databases of digital fingerprints of Internet users.

Digital fingerprints or "digital portraits" are used by third parties not only to generate advertisements, but also for fraud and identity theft. Network users themselves, without knowing it, give personal and corporate data, not only without consent, but also without the necessary control. Are you protecting your digital portrait?

1.      IP address . Providers have kept statistics for years on which IP-address their user worked. Knowing the ip-address, you can easily calculate the location of the user.

2.      DNS-. , , Google, www.google.com, DNS, IP- - Google. , - DNS- , , , , , .

3.      NFC- . . – . RFID-, : , , , . .

4.      Wi-Fi Bluetooth . GPS-. Wi-Fi . .

5.      Wi-Fi . , wi-fi wi-fi . . MITM (Man-In-The-Middle) « ».

6.      Tor/VPN. Tor. : (, -, ) ( ). 96%. « » , (, -), (, - ).

7.      Android, IOS.

Bluetooth Low-Energy. , .

8.      IMEI – . IMEI , . , . , , IMEI . (, , Android) (Android/IOS) . , . . , , IMEI, , . / . , (, ) , , , , , . /.

9.      . cookie- . , , - . cookies supercookies .

10.  . . , . , , . .

11.  Google-. , . .

12.  . , . .

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 EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation), :

  • User-agent ( , , , , ..);

  • ;

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  • Supercookies;

  • ;

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, 286777 .

«Browser Fingerprinting via OS and Hardware Level Features», 99,24%.

How can you keep your anonymity today? It is possible only if you go to the forest and do not use any of the technical benefits of civilization, or wait for developments that will solve these problems.

The article was co-authored:

1. Menshikov Yaroslav

2. Belyaev Dmitry

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