Free School of Mentors for Developers, Testers and Analysts starts on July 5

The school for mentors is an online intensive course of 5 lessons, where future mentors of the online education service Yandex.Practicum are trained.

Mentors are experienced IT professionals who answer student questions and conduct workshops on particularly challenging course topics. Experts combine mentoring with their main job, depending on the course, this takes from 6 to 12 hours per week. This is paid employment.

Are mentors like university teachers?

Not. This is not an online education system where a teacher develops a program, reviews student work, and conducts webinars. With us, mentors help students overcome learning difficulties: communicate with students in Slack, explain difficult topics, conduct group webinars, and keep them motivated.

In addition to mentors, students in the Practicum have a whole team of support throughout the training:

  • code reviewers check the work of the guys and give feedback in writing;
  • curators moderate chats with students, make a schedule, keep track of deadlines;
  • support managers help with questions in the online simulator.

You can read more about what mentors do in the post “Mentoring in IT: Growing Ourselves and Helping Others to Grow” .

Or watch the report of the head of the backend development faculty Sonya Tehazheva "Mentoring, or how to bring fire back into your relationship with programming" (from 4:15:00).

Why does the Workshop need outside mentors? Why can't you use Yandex specialists?

Some of our mentors are indeed specialists from various Yandex projects. But we are not limited to this and are looking for specialists from other companies. Firstly, mentoring is additional employment in addition to the load on the main job, not every Yandex specialist is ready for it, and this significantly reduces the number of potential mentors. Secondly, we want to show students a breadth of views in development, design, analytics and marketing, for this, mentors must have a diverse background.

What are the requirements for mentors?

It is necessary to be a specialist in one of the following areas from the middle level and above. Experience in teaching and mentoring is an added plus, but not a critical skill. The main thing is that a potential mentor likes to transfer knowledge, to explain complex things in simple language, so that he does not feel uncomfortable with repetitive questions from beginners.

All mentors go through the School of Mentors: we train them before they begin to communicate with students, and we supply all the materials.

How are mentors selected for the School?

When registering, you need to fill out a short form and attach a resume. If you are suitable by experience, we will offer to do a test task, the next stage is an invitation to the School of mentors.


The Mentoring School is a two-week intensive communication and team management school. You will learn how to transfer knowledge and experience to novice developers and create conditions for the development of independence among students. Learn to run workshops: We'll explain how to make them engaging, compact, and effective online.

At the School, mentors practice typical educational situations and receive feedback. You will learn to work with students' needs and motivation.

The training consists of group calls and individual practice. Five workshops in the evening, lasting 2.5 hours, and small homework assignments, designed for 30-60 minutes, are waiting for you.

We offer a job as a mentor to everyone who successfully passes the School.


Mentoring can be combined with regular work and takes 6 to 12 hours a week. Remuneration - from 35 to 50 thousand rubles, depending on the course and the time spent.

Right now we are looking for mentors for directions:

  • Java developer
  • Go developer
  • Python developer
  • Middle front-end developer
  • Test Automation Engineer
  • Data analyst
  • Data Science Specialist
  • Communications Designer
  • IT project manager

The start of the new School of Mentors is July 5, 2021. Before that, you must leave a request and complete a test task.

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