A knight in armor and BPDUs are the words of his love

EOIP tunnel (usually used by one well-known brand) does not allow BDPU by default. And this means that if you push the VLAN through EOIP, looping it for the purpose of redundancy, then you should not hope that STP will work it. A loop will happen . Communication in this VLAN will not happen - each of the switches will think of itself as a king and voilà - your network is on its knees! If you know how to configure EOIP to skip BPDUs, then please write about it in the comments! This information will be helpful.

The Spanning Tree topology comes from BPDUs ( Bridge Protocol Data Unit ). This is what makes loop-free communication possible on a network with redundant links. And probably the first thing to do before creating a redundant link, be it logical or physical, is to check if there is a BPDU exchange between switches.

You can think of BPDUs as the language of love that arises between the pieces of iron and on the basis of which the Spanning Tree blooms and blossoms. They are like words that lovers exchange with each other. And their love is nourished by these words. And if there are no words, then there is no love.

Each of these words of love contains information about the sender. They share this information - so they learn about each other and decide who will be in charge of the family: who is alpha and who is omega. And most importantly, what the switches look at is the Bridge ID (Bridge Identifier). Each switch that has Spanning Tree Protocol enabled carries this ID. And there are three elements that are part of this ID and make it unique to each switch. The first is Priority. Its default value is 32768. (How many bits would it take to get that value?). And if so, then all the switches configured by default have an equal chance of being alpha in the family, right? Not! This is where the second element comes into play. This is the VLAN number. The switch will add the VLAN number to the priority. For example,if the VLAN number is 7, then the Bridge ID will be 32768 + 7 = 32775. But even this will not make the switch king, even if both switches have VLAN 7. Therefore, get acquainted with the third element - MAC address, a completely unique identifier.

. Huawei – PVST . VLAN’a STP Huawei , . IOSv rapid-pvst . Huawei – mstp. . , , , .


display stp , Bridge ID :

CIST - (Common and Internal Spanning Tree). , Huawei MSTP , "". CIST Root/ERPC Bridge ID LSW4. Bridge ID , -.

, : vbst, VLAN, , VLAN 7.

 [LSW4]stp mode vbst

[LSW4]stp vlan 7 enable

, , -, Root ID, VLAN 7 , -, VLAN: 32768 + 7.

, . STP , , , STP? , - .

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