Co-variance and data types

The topic of options in programming causes a lot of difficulties in understanding, for me it is a problem that not always successful metaphors are taken as an explanation - containers.

I hope that I can be able to explain this topic from a different angle using the metaphors of "assignment" in the context of lambdas.

Why is this variance needed at all?

In general, you can live without variance and program peacefully, this is not such an important topic, we have many examples of programming languages ​​in which this quality is not reflected.

Co-variance is about data types and their control by compilers. And exactly from this place we need to roll back and say about data types and why we need it.

Flashback to types

Data types by themselves are also not a very important topic, there are languages ​​in which the data type is not particularly needed, for example, assembler, brainfuck, REFAL.

In the same REFAL or assembler it is very easy to confuse the type of a variable, and it is very easy, for example, to assume that I will subtract another line from one line, just a typo, no malicious intent.

In typed languages, the compiler would see this typo and prevent me from compiling the program, but ... for example JS

> 'str-a' - 'str-b'

JS (JavaScript) Calm down this code, they will tell me that this is  not a bug, this is a feature , ok, let's say, then I'll take Python

>>> 'str-a' - 'str-b'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str'

Or Java

jshell> "str-a" - "str-b"
|  Error:
|  bad operand types for binary operator '-'
|    first type:  java.lang.String
|    second type: java.lang.String
|  "str-a" - "str-b"
|  ^---------------^

, - .

, .

, , , , .

: , Groovy

groovy> def fun1( a, b ){
groovy>   return a - b
groovy> }
groovy> println 'fun1( 5, 2 )='+fun1( 5, 2 )
groovy> println "fun1( 'aabc', 'b' )="+fun1( 'aabc', 'b' )
groovy> println 'fun1( [1,2,3,4], [2,3] )='+fun1( [1,2,3,4], [2,3] )

fun1( 5, 2 )=3
fun1( 'aabc', 'b' )=aac
fun1( [1,2,3,4], [2,3] )=[1, 4]


> fun1 = function( a, b ){ return a - b }
[Function: fun1]
> fun1( 5, 2 )
> fun1( 'aabc', 'b' )
> fun1( [1,2,3,4], [2,3] )


, , - , .

/ - .

, .

- .


function sub( x : number, y : number ) {
    return x - y;

console.log( sub(5,3) )


function sub( x : number, y : number ) {
    return x - y;

console.log( sub("aa","bb") )

- :

> tsc ./index.ts
index.ts:5:18 - error TS2345: Argument of type 'string' is not assignable 
  to parameter of type 'number'.

5 console.log( sub("aa","bb") )

Found 1 error.


  , ,  number


TypeScript (tsc



́ β€” () , .

A β€” G β€” A A. f A B G, a ∈ A g ∈ G f(a)=f(g(a)).

, :

 - , .

, JS

> fun1 = function( a, b, c ){
... let r = b;
... if( a ) r = c;
... return r + r;
... }
[Function: fun1]
> fun1( 1==1, 2, 3 )
> fun1( 1==1, "aa", "b" )
> fun1( 1==1, 3, "b" )
> fun1( 1!=1, 3, "b" )
> fun1( 1!=1, {x:1}, "b" )
'[object Object][object Object]'

r - string number , fun1 , .

r. r .

r :

  •  let r = b

    , r , b.

  •  r = c

    , r , c.

, .

, :

> fun1 = function( a, b, c ){
... if( typeof(b)!=='number' )throw "argument b not number";
... if( typeof(c)!=='number' )throw "argument c not number";
... let r = b;
... if( a ) r = c;
... return r + r;
... }
[Function: fun1]
> fun1( true, 1, 2 )
> fun1( true, 'aa', 3 )
Thrown: 'argument b not number'

, , , .

, +, - … - -   ( ), - .

 let r = b

   r = c

  , .


function fun1( a:boolean, b:number, c:number ){
    let r = b;
    if( a ) r = c;
    return r + r;

function fun2( a:boolean, b:number, c:string ){
    let r = b;
    if( a ) r = c;
    return r + r;

> tsc ./index.ts 
index.ts:9:13 - error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.

9     if( a ) r = c;

Found 1 error.

,  string



 - , .

 - , ( ) .



function f(a:number) : number {
    return a+a;

function g(a:number) : number {
    return a;

console.log( f(1)===f(g(1)) )

- .

  - , , ..

function f(a:number) : number {
    return a+a;

function g(a:number) : number {
    return a-1;

let r = f(1)
r = f(g(1))

function f(a:number) : number {
    return a+a;

function g(a:number) : string {
    return (a-1) + "";

let r = f(1)
r = f(g(1))

( ), :

  • g string

  • f number


  ,  //  - , / .


- -, TypeScript, - Scala, .

, Solid

-  , - ,

-  , . —–


  1. N

    • N , : {0, 1, 2, 3, … }

    • N* : {1, 2, 3, … }

  2. Z - (+/-)

  3. Q - ( ), Z

  4. R - ( , e, …)

  5. C - a+bi, a,b - , i -


  • any -

    • number -

      • int -

      • double - ()

    • string -


function sum_of_int( a:int, b:int ) : int { return a+b; }
function sum_of_double( a:double, b:double ) : double { return a+b; }
function compare_equals( a:number, b:number ) : boolean { a==b }

let res1 : int = sum_of_int( 1, 2 )

  , .. - int, int.


let res1 : number = sum_of_int( 1, 2 )
    res1          = sum_of_double( 1.2, 2.3 )

res1 - number.

res1 = sum_of_int( 1, 2 ), res1 int, , .. int number number

res1 = sum_of_double( 1.2, 2.3 ) - res1 double ,

? , , .. res1:

let res1 : number = sum_of_int( 1, 2 )
let res2 : number = sum_of_doube( 1.2, 2.3 )
if( compare_equals(res1, res2) ){

, , , β€œβ€

: Box Circle

class Box {
    width : number
    height : number
    constructor( w: number, h: number ){
        this.width = w;
        this.height = h;

class Circle {
    radius : number
    constructor( r: number ){
        this.radius = r

, ,

let boxs : Box[] = [ new Box(1,1), new Box(2,2) ]
let circles : Circle[] = [ new Circle(1), new Circle(2) ]

2 , ,

function areaOfBox( shape:Box ):number { return shape.width * shape.height }
function areaOfCircle( shape:Circle ):number { return shape.radius * shape.radius * Math.PI }

: areaOfBox ).reduce( (a,b,idx,arr)=>a+b ) + areaOfCircle ).reduce( (a,b,idx,arr)=>a+b )

, / (, ).

, -    , , - .

   / - area():number.

interface Shape {

, Box Circle Shape, areaOfBox, areaOfCircle area.

class Box implements Shape {
    width : number
    height : number
    constructor( w: number, h: number ){
        this.width = w;
        this.height = h;
    area():number {
        return this.width * this.height

class Circle implements Shape {
    radius : number
    constructor( r: number ){
        this.radius = r
    area():number {
        return this.radius * this.radius * Math.PI


let shapes : Shape[] = [ new Box(1,1), new Box(2,2), new Circle(1), new Circle(2) ] s => s.area() ).reduce( (a,b,idx,arr)=>a+b )


Shape, (.. ) (Box, Circle).

, Box Circle Shape.

, ..

 let a = b

, :

  1. a b - ,   

  2. a , b - a -  - 

  3. a b, b - () -  -  - .

  4. a b - - .

, Shape

class Foo {

let shapes : Shape[] = [ new Box(1,1), new Box(2,2), new Circle(1), new Circle(2), new Foo() ] s => s.area() ).reduce( (a,b,idx,arr)=>a+b )

- :

> tsc index.ts
index.ts:31:84 - error TS2741: Property 'area' is missing in type 'Foo' but required in type 'Shape'.

31 let shapes : Shape[] = [ new Box(1,1), new Box(2,2), new Circle(1), new Circle(2), new Foo() ]

    2     area():number
    'area' is declared here.

Found 1 error.

Foo area, Shape.


L - LSP - (Liskov substitution principle): Β« Β». .   .


-, , , .

, Scala :

package xyz.cofe.sample.inv

object App {
  // ,   String,   Boolean,  : (String)=>Boolean 
  def strCmp(a:String):Boolean = a.contains("1")

  // ,   Int,   Boolean,  : (Int)=>Boolean
  def intCmp(a:Int):Boolean = a==1

  // ,   String,   Boolean,  : (Any)=>Boolean
  def anyCmp(a:Any):Boolean = true

  def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {
    //   Boolean = Boolean
    val call1 : Boolean = strCmp("a")
    // -  Any = Boolean
    val call2 : Any = strCmp("b")

    //  : (String)=>Boolean = (String)=>Boolean
    val cmp1 : (String)=>Boolean = App.strCmp;

    // -  (String)=>Boolean = (Any)=>Boolean
    val cmp2 : (String)=>Boolean = App.anyCmp

    //  : (String)=>Boolean = (String)=>Boolean
    val cmp3 : (Any)=>Boolean = App.anyCmp

    // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    // -  (Any)=>Boolean = (String)=>Boolean
    val cmp4 : (Any)=>Boolean = App.strCmp


  •  Any


  •  Int, Boolean, String

     -  Any

  • ,

  • (_,_)=>_

  •   = .

     /  = .

  • val

      Scala,  const



//   Boolean = Boolean
val call1 : Boolean = strCmp("a")

//  : (String)=>Boolean = (String)=>Boolean
val cmp1 : (String)=>Boolean = App.strCmp;

cmp1 - , , :



// -  Any = Boolean
val call2 : Any = strCmp("b")

// -  (String)=>Boolean = (Any)=>Boolean
val cmp2 : (String)=>Boolean = App.anyCmp

call2, , cmp2.

   (String) => Boolean
  (Any)    => Boolean

String -> -> Any - -.

, WTF? - !

// ,   String,   Boolean,  : (String)=>Boolean 
def strCmp(a:String):Boolean = a.contains("1")

// ,   String,   Boolean,  : (Any)=>Boolean
def anyCmp(a:Any):Boolean = true

 cmp2( "abc" )



, String Any, .

 anyCmp( "string" )

  anyCmp( 1 )

anyCmp( true )

 - ,

  • ,

  • ()

.. ,  -  ,  -.



assign a <- b

- -

call a -> b

, :

  •     -,

  •     -,

Scala, TypeScript

TypeScript 4.2.4 - /

interface Shape {

class Box implements Shape {
    width : number
    height : number
    constructor( w: number, h: number ){
        this.width = w;
        this.height = h;
    area():number {
        return this.width * this.height

class Circle implements Shape {
    radius : number
    constructor( r: number ){
        this.radius = r
    area():number {
        return this.radius * this.radius * Math.PI

class Foo {

const f1 : (number)=> boolean = a => true;
const f2 : (object)=> boolean = a => typeof(a)=='function';
const f3 : (any)=>boolean = f1;
const f4 : (number)=>boolean = f3;

const _f1 : (Box)=>boolean = a => true
const _f2 : (any)=>boolean = _f1
const _f3 : (Shape)=>boolean = _f1

 const f3 : (any)=>boolean = f1;

   const _f3 : (Shape)=>boolean = _f1

 ( ) ,

> ./node_modules/.bin/tsc -version
Version 4.2.4
> ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --strictFunctionTypes index.ts 
> ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --alwaysStrict index.ts 

, .




, , .

- - ,    .

- - .


C , JS , , .

- , .

, , .



  • ( )

    • ( )

      • ( )

  • ( )

    • ( )

      • ( )

, .

- ( ) - .


Variation  is, first of all, the presence of properties / methods of interest for our tasks. And this is a compiler control mechanism to ensure that these properties are present.

So, for example, this or that object can be not only some kind of under a class, but also implement (through interfaces) the properties / methods of interest to us - this is what I mean by the word  compatibility .

Then you can talk about multiple inheritance, traits, and other charms of modern languages, but this is beyond the scope of the topic.

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