TREX: 27-digit symmetric number system

Every computer scientist knows how difficult it is to work with long sequences of ones and zeros. He is helped by the octal and hexadecimal number systems, which provide a more compact representation of information.

With the ternary number system, the situation is worse: there are several ways to represent ternary numbers and there are several ways to compact ternary numbers, but they have drawbacks that make it difficult to work with them.

The TREX coding system is designed to compactly represent the symmetric ternary number system when used in computer systems


  1. , {-1, 0, +1}.

  2. 9- 27- TREX.

  1. . , , , .

  2. , , ( - ) , , ( , ASCII)

, {-, 0, +}.


+-0-0+++- -++0+00--

000+-+--0 +-+-+-++0

-0+0-+00+ 0-0+++--0

«-», «0» «+» ( «0» «1» ), ( HEX-).



{ m..a, 0, A..M}




-13         ---        m

-12         --0        l

-11         --+        k

-10         -0-        j

  -9         -00        i

  -8         -0+        h

  -7         -+-        g

  -6         -+0        f

  -5         -++        e

  -4         0--        d

  -3         0-0        c

  -2         0-+        b

  -1         00-        a

  0         000        0

  +1         00+        A

  +2         0+-        B

  +3         0+0        C

  +4         0++        D

  +5         +--        E

  +6         +-0        F

  +7         +-+        G

  +8         +0-        H

  +9         +00        I

+10         +0+        J

+11         ++-        K

+12         ++0        L

+13         +++        M


, {-1, 0, +1}. {-, 0, +} .


        +                      +1

          0                       0

          -                      -1

(3 1/3 ) TREX


M = +++

TREX «» 6- . , , , , . -9841 +9841. 27- (). TREX


A0m = 00+ 000 ---

9- 27-

9- 27- :

  • — , .


    9- , {-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4}

  • – .


    9- , ( , , ):





    ( «»)  ( )

    -4 1 0 -2 -3        A a 0 B B

    0 0 0 1 -2          M M m d d

    1 1 -3 0 0          C c a d d

  • — , , .


    9- , {W,X,Y,Z,0,1,2,3,4}, 27- , {0,A..Z}).

    « »


    A = -a

    MMM + mmm = 0

  • - :

    1. .


      Akm > 0

      mmD < 0

    2. - .


      -(AdFGhb) = aDfgHB

    3. – , ,


      mod (Mf0) = Mf0

      mod (a0H) = A0h

    4. - ,


       Mfa        00a

      +      =>  +       => 00G

      mFH        00H

    5. - , , , , , .


      Mfa > Mma

      afa > bfa


  1. ( )

  2. to reduce the number of errors in the development of software for ternary computers or their emulators.

    Sample screenshot from TREX

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