New features in Python 3.0, grep cheat sheet, free online courses, and the second part of the Red Hat Summit Virtual Experience

A new portion of insights, events, books and cheat sheets. Stay tuned - become part of DevNation !

Learn new

  • 4 terminal multiplexers for Linux

    tmux, GNU Screen, Konsole and Terminator - take your pick!

  • 3 Functions Introduced in Python 3.0 That Worth Your Attention

    They are rarely used, and usually in vain.

  • Alpine email client for terminal operation

    How to install, configure and use.

  • How to make Jenkins logs "readable"

  • Let's start developing edge systems on Linux using open source

  • What is fog computing?

  • Ditching Autotools in favor of CMake


  • Grep Linux Cheat Sheet

    Search for character patterns in files.

What else is interesting

  •   Circuit Breaker

  •  6 , Linux

  •  5 Linux- man

  •  : Linux- ?

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  • Red Hat Summit Virtual Experience, 15-16

    Red Hat Summit , - . 15-16 , , - .

  • 10 , 10

    10 .

  • “ ”, 17

    - , OpenShift Helper Node Day-2.

  • «OpenShift Serverless» ( )

  • «OpenShift Virtualization» ( )

  • « Cloud native apps design» ( )

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