They don't buy from honest people. Why do people choose to buy from scammers?

“They don’t buy from clowns” - you probably heard a similar statement, perhaps from marketers, somewhere at a business conference, or read it. This phrase belongs to Hopkins ... ... not the great actor Sir Anthony Hopkins, but the founder of the scientific approach to marketing, when there was no marketing as such, Claude Clarence Hopkins (1866-1932).

Claude Clarence Hopkins
Claude Clarence Hopkins

If this phrase has been important and relevant since the beginning of the 20th century, then today, primarily in the CIS countries, it will be relevant to rephrase it: “They don’t buy from honest people”.

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Likewise with sales through consultation and pricing. A professional, before giving an exact price for his servants, must make a calculation and take into account many factors, and this takes time, while a fraudster can name any numbers from the head and guarantee their implementation.

People are less likely to buy from honest people, as they fall into a simple trap of the mind.

Always try to make decisions, which is called include the head. You will wonder if the person or company that makes a very tasty offer can fulfill it? Try to look at the situation as an outside expert giving advice to the buyer (yourself). This will help you avoid many problems and bypass the traps of your own mind.

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