Deployment anti-patterns in Kubernetes. Part 2

This is the second part of the Kubernetes Deployment Antipatterns tutorial . We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the first part .

List of anti-patterns that we will look at:

  1. Using images tagged latest

  2. Saving configuration inside images

  3. An application uses Kubernetes components unnecessarily

  4. ubectl

  5. Kubernetes

  6. Production Non-Production

  7. Limits

  8. Health Probes

  9. Helm

  10. ,

  11. Kubernetes

6. ubectl


Kubernetes. .

, production , kubectl

. , , 3 , , .

kubectl get ns
kubectl get pods -n sales
kubectl describe pod prod-app-1233445 -n sales
kubectl get svc -n sales
kubectl describe...

Kubernetes , , . kubectl -, , , .

, .

, . Kubernetes.

, Kubevious, Kubernetes, Kubernetes .

7. Kubernetes

, , . Kubernetes , . , - Load Balancer

, Cluster IP

, Node Port

, Ingress.

luster IP

, Node Port

, , .

β€” , Kubernetes DNS. , .

, Service Mesh . Service Mesh Kubernetes. , .

, , . Kubernetes, .

, , . 5 , , 100 , ​​500 -. , .


, , , production.

β€” (QA / Staging / Production), . «», .

, , . .

, - , , . 3 ( , , ...), :

  1. A , B C

  2. B , A C

  3. C , B A

  4. , A B

  5. , A C

  6. , B C

  7. , 3

, , , .


  1. "" (stage) , .

  2. Β«stagingΒ» , ( staging ).

- , , , . , , , , , .

, (staging) , , .

, , , , . Kubernetes :

, , Pull Request , Pull Request . , Pull Request / .

β€” . A, B, :

git checkout master
git checkout -b feature-a-b-together
git merge feature-a
git merge feature-b
git push origin feature-a-b-together

, :


, , Kubernetes.

, , staging , , , A / B . . Β« , Β» β€” .

, , , .

9. Production Non-Production

, Kubernetes , . : .

, Production Non-Production .

, , .

. Kubernetes, , . Kubernetes, .

Kubernetes . Kubernetes, . , production.

( ), , , :

  1. , production.

  2. .

  3. .

  4. , URL- , , , production!

, Production Non-Production . , , , Kubernetes prod / dev.

, , , :

  1. Production

  2. Pre Production (Shadow) β€” production,

  3. Development ,

  4. /

10. Limits

, Kubernetes, . , , , .

, ( ) .

, . , , . , .

Kubernetes β€” . / , (, - ), Kubenetes. vertical pod auto-scaler (VPA).

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