Acceptance of payments by QR codes without commissions

QR codes on receipts and invoices allow individuals to pay quickly. It is unclear why applications for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs did not support it before. But now, when preparing the article, we found out that Tinkoff, Tochka and Module have already implemented. 

Not everyone knows that banking applications for physicists support two types of QR codes. The second is an instant payment like the same Internet acquiring by cards through the fast payment system (FPS) by phone number. And there, as with Internet acquiring, the bank takes a commission from the seller. And the first one is just a payment using ordinary bank details - recognition of details for a payment order ( GOST R 56042-2014 ). This is what this QR code looks like:

Try pointing your mobile bank at it and you will see just a payment order. In most normal banks, non-cash payments for physicists are free.

How to generate a QR code for payment in a mobile application

Generating such code in PHP and other languages ​​is elementary simple and fast:

use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode;

$this->qr_str = "ST00012|Name={$this->firm->urname}" . 
                "|PersonalAcc={$this->firm->rs}|BankName={$this->firm->bank}" . 
                "|BIC={$this->firm->bik}|CorrespAcc={$this->firm->ks}" . 
				"|PayeeINN={$this->firm->inn}|KPP={$this->firm->kpp}" . 

$qrCode = new QrCode($this->qr_str);


$qrcode = '<img class="logo" src="data:image/png;base64,' . 
					base64_encode($qrCode->writeString()) . '">';

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QR- .


QR- ( ), , .

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