If you have found SCRUM

I just want to calm you down. Today SCRUM is not as scary as it was ten years ago. Modern medicine has reached incredible heights. People with SCRUM live a fulfilling life. Remain active members of society. The main thing is to find adequate treatment in a timely manner.

Jokes as a joke, and the wide experience of implementing this methodology in Russia has (in my memory) about 10 years. Maybe even more. But the controversy about the dangers of SCRUM still does not subside.

In this article, I want to consolidate my experience of living with SCRUM. Perhaps someone will find a reflection of their experience in it. And it will become easier for him. He will understand that he is not alone.

Why is SCRUM so contagious?

Most implementations of SCRUM begin with the fact that someone worked on it somewhere. A little less because he had heard something about him. This is followed by an express analysis, during which a person learns about sprints. The meaning is seen something like this:

  • A bunch of features are taken from the backlog and sawed for a week. 

  • Nobody pulls the programmer. 

  • Release.

That's all. SCRUM is sold! How much easier and more understandable?

Well, it's not PMBoK to implement with these all sorts of incomprehensible groups of processes and artifacts to them. And there will still drive up gants, milestones and that's it ... the business is dead.

Thus, the extreme simplicity of the basic SCRUM mechanics is so clear that it is almost obvious. An hour later, a team lead appears, he is also a SCRUM master. Immediately violating the SCRUM principle of separation of roles. But now is not about that.

It is this ease of penetration into consciousness that is the secret of the high infectivity of SCRUM.


SCRUM . -. :


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. . . - SCRUM. 

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. SCRUM . . . , .



, SCRUM. . : . .

, . Jira, confluence, gitlab. , Kanban… - β€œ mail.ru” -. … ! .

, SCRUM . . - . - .

. . SCRUM. . .



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SCRUM, . . , , !


  1. ;

  2. ;

  3. . , ? ;

  4. HR , - ;

  5. ;

  6. There is a methodology for integrating new employees into teams.

  7. You succeed and you rush from it.

Doctor's conclusion

The SCRUM patient can live a fulfilling life. But he must admit the disease. Learn to live with her. To teach those close to him that he has unusual needs - he lives in his ward and is ready to talk about it for hours. 

Fortunately, this is not difficult. Those close to you just need to listen to this nonsense and nod their heads in approval.

And apply cold.

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