Is it necessary to develop software prototyping in medicine, psychology and biology?

It's time to tell the truth why I started writing on Habr. Although I have been engaged in mHealh , digital health and software prototyping for only 9 years officially, the digitalization of science algorithms and the informatization of practice have been of interest to me for over 20 years. Recently, my colleagues (or co-authors), whom I have been helping in their work for the past 4 years, including as a system administrator, asked me to find programmers for them to improve evolutionary prototyping and finalize mobile applications. On Habré such articles dozens like . If you think the market is worthto finish the prototypes listed below , then write, I will give them contacts and "profit in half" (approximately) with them. I must say right away that nothing will come to me financially from this, there will only be satisfaction that the two parties have found each other, as happens in the magazine "Doctor and IT" , for example))

Number one. Personal healthy lifestyle program "Balance"

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18. SmartMedFitoLabs BioSoftPatent

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19. Feedback: diagnosis, rating, correction

2017614931 ( ) , , , -, -, target group, lifetime value - . 50 ( «») , , , , client-centered, cognitive therapy, , , , , , omni-channel brand health, customer experience marketing, cross-device service blueprint, brand lift, ., programmatic backstage adverts, addressable, connected advanced television «» . 


№2017614931 №2019618242 №2021612109, , (, , ) (Post-COVID-19 syndrome, -10 - U09.9), : , , , Fitwel-, , , , , , , , , , . .

21. «Iotmedecohome» , «» «» (IoT)

№№ 2017614931 2019618242 , , , , , , : , , , , , , , , , «» , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .. , , , Life Science.

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