I'll go to the developers, let them teach me. Bachelor's programs supported by JetBrains

JetBrains supports developer education programs at top universities in the country. We provide expert and financial assistance in various areas at the Higher School of Economics, ITMO University, St. Petersburg State University, MIPT, NSU and LETI. But several programs are special, they are implemented in close partnership with the company. JetBrains participates in the formation of the curriculum, selects teachers, pays students sponsored scholarships, helps with the organization of internships and internships.

On the eve of the admission campaign to universities, we are talking about our closest partners - the bachelor's programs " Modern Programming " at St. Petersburg State University and " Applied Mathematics and Informatics " at the St. Petersburg campus of the Higher School of Economics.

Lesson from Alexander Khrabrov
Lesson from Alexander Khrabrov

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