Business Analyst, Requirement Specialist, Product Owner and others. What is the difference between roles similar at first glance?

In 2021, there is a trend: an increased demand for business analysts. Almost every project seeks to recruit a specialist with such a role. At the same time, vacancies with approximately the same job descriptions amaze with a variety of titles: requirement specialist, business analyst, system analyst, (proxy) product owner, product manager. My name is Svyatoslav Shcherbatyuk, I work with EPAM as a leading business analyst. In this article, I propose to speculate why such a situation has developed, whether these roles differ from each other, and if so, how.

First of all, I note that such a difference in the names and descriptions of vacancies indicates that there is practically no common understanding of these roles in the IT industry, which would be based on some fundamental discipline. The industry is young and dynamically developing, and the formation of the conceptual apparatus requires more or less well-developed, well-established, stable practice.

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Google , . .

Requirement Specialist ( requirement engineer, requirement analyst) vs Business Analyst

, . - . requirement , , . Requirement - -, -. business value . - (engineering driven), (business driven). requirement , :

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  • ;

  • .

, , , , . , requirement -, . , , , -. ( ) subject matter , .

- , , . , โ€“ , , - .

: . , , -, ยซ-ยป , - . - , .

, , .

Business Analyst vs (Proxy) Product Owner

-, , โ€“ Product Owner. - ?

, Scrum , Product Owner-. , 100% , - - , Scrum-like .

- Product Owner-, requirement . , Product Owner:

  • ;

  • -;

  • -, .

- Product Owner-:

1.     - Product Owner-.

Image source

, , , - , ยซยป . , , , - . .

2.     - .

Image source

. - , Product Owner- . โ€“ Product Owner.

3.     - Product Owner- .

Image source

, - ProductOwner- .

  , , -, Product Owner, โ€“ -.

  , Product Owner , -, , . โ€“ , , .

, .

 Business Analyst vs System Analyst

โ€“ , . ? , - , -,    , . - , , , . - , โ€“ , - , , . โ€“ .


 Business Analyst vs Product Manager

- ProductOwner-a, Product . , , - ProductOwner-a - Product . , ProductOwner , Product . :

  • ;

  • KPI;

  • ;

  • .

, Product Owner , โ€“ .

(requirement specialist, business analyst, system analyst, (proxy) product owner, product manager) , โ€“ :

  • requirement ;

  • โ€“ ;

  • - โ€“ , - ;

  • Product Owner โ€“ , , , ;

  • Product .

  : ? , . , , . , , -, . , , , , , , . , - .

, ยซ , -, -?ยป, , .

. Business Analyst vs Data Analyst (and others)

- , ? , , data-, , , , , KPI -.

- , , - , , . data- โ€“ , .


, Lead Business Analyst, EPAM

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