How to improve the readability of regular expressions in PHP

Regular expressions are a very powerful tool, but the conventional wisdom is that once they are written, they are very difficult to understand, so maintaining them is not a pleasant experience. Collected here are tips to help make them more readable.

PHP PCRE β€” PHP 7.3, PCRE2 β€” . PHP , , . PHP , ctype*, URL-, β€” . IDE , , , .

, , . . , - PHP ( PHP 7.3). , . , PHP, JavaScript , ES2018.


  • -;

  • ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • .


β€” . -, β€” . :



β€” , i

β€” , , /

β€” . /

, . , ~, !, @, #, $

. , , \

β€” . : {}, (), [], <>

, . , , , . - , . , , . (, ^, $,

, ), . , , , . , /

, β€” , , URL-. : 

preg_match('/^https:\/\/\/path/i', $uri);

β€œ#”, , :

preg_match('#^', $uri);

- . . , .

, *

, +

, $

. , /Username: @[a-z\.0-9]/

β€œ.” , . 

, , . , -

. , , , , .

, /[A-Z]/

, A Z. (/[A\-Z]/)

, β€” , A, Z . , , , . , /[AZ-]/

, /[A\-Z]/

, .

( , ), . , :

/Price: [0-9\-\$\.\+]+/

/Price: [0-9$.+-]+/


, ,   , . , , , , . β€” :

preg_match('/x\yz/X', ''); //  "y" β€” ,   β€”  


Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: unrecognized character follows \ at offset 2 in ... on line ...

, ()

, , ,   , , , .

, β€œPrice: €24


$pattern = '/Price: (Β£|€)(\d+)/';
$text    = 'Price: €24';
preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches);

2 , , ((Β£|€))

, β€” . , $matches

, ,  :


array(3) {
  [0]=> string(12) "Price: €24"
  [1]=> string(3) "€"
  [2]=> string(2) "24"

, . , , ?:

. , , . , , (Β£|€)

, , : (?:Β£|€)


$pattern = '/Price: (?:Β£|€)(\d+)/';
$text    = 'Price: €24';
preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches);


1 β€” :

array(2) {
  [0]=> string(12) "Price: €24"
  [1]=> string(2) "24"

, , , , , .

, . , , ,  

, , :

/Price: (?<currency>Β£|€)(?<price>\d+)/

, (?

, , . , (?<currency>Β£|€)

  β€” currency, (?<price>\d+)

β€” price. , , β€” . , :

$pattern = '/Price: (?<currency>Β£|€)(?<price>\d+)/';
$text    = 'Price: €24';
preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches);


array(5) {
 [0]=> string(12) "Price: €24"
["currency"]=> string(3) "€"
[1]=> string(3) "€"
["price"]=> string(2) "24"
[2]=> string(2) "24"

, $matches

, , .

 , , ["currency"]=> "€"

, [1]=> "€"


PHP , : 

Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: two named subpatterns have the same name (PCRE2_DUPNAMES not set) at offset ... in ... on line ....

, J

(UPD: , PHP 7.2.0, ?J


/Price: (?<currency>Β£|€)?(?<price>\d+)(?<currency>Β£|€)?/J

2 currency, , J

. , currency , . , , :

$pattern = '/Price: (?<currency>Β£|€)?(?<price>\d+)(?<currency>Β£|€)?/J';
$text    = 'Price: €24Β£';
preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches);

array(6) {
  [0]=> string(14) "Price: €24Β£"
  ["currency"]=> string(2) "Β£"
  [1]=> string(3) "€"
  ["price"]=> string(2) "24"
  [2]=> string(2) "24"
  [3]=> string(2) "Β£"

, . , , PHP-, , . β€” . .

, :

$pattern  = '/Price: (?<currency>Β£|€)(?<price>\d+)/i';


$pattern  = '/Price: ';
$pattern .= '(?<currency>Β£|€)'; // Capture currency symbols Β£ or €
$pattern .= '(?<price>\d+)'; // Capture price without decimals.
$pattern .= '/i'; // Flags: Case-insensitive

. x

, , . , . :

/Price: (?<currency>Β£|€)(?<price>\d+)/i

/Price:  \s  (?<currency>Β£|€)  (?<price>\d+)  /ix

, , x

. , , , . , , \s



, #

, PHP . , . , :

/Price: (?<currency>Β£|€)(?<price>\d+)/i


/Price:           # Check for the label "Price:"
\s                # Ensure a white-space after.
(?<currency>Β£|€)  # Capture currency symbols Β£ or €
(?<price>\d+)     # Capture price without decimals.

PHP, Heredoc Nowdoc . , :

$pattern = <<<PATTERN
  /Price:           # Check for the label "Price:"
  \s                # Ensure a white-space after.
  (?<currency>Β£|€)  # Capture currency symbols Β£ or €
  (?<price>\d+)     # Capture price without decimals.
  /ix               # Flags: Case-insensitive

preg_match($pattern, 'Price: Β£42', $matches);


, , , . , β€” \d

,  , [0-9]

. \D

, β€” , [^0-9]

. , , , , , : 

/Number: [0-9][^0-9]/


/Number: \d\D/

, . :

  • \w

    β€” , , [A-Za-z0-9_]






  • [:xdigit:]

    β€” , [A-Fa-f0-9]





  • \s

    β€” ,  [ \t\r\n\v\f]


/ \t\r\n\v\f/



, , . \p{_}

, _

β€” . \p

"p" , \P{FOO}

, β€” , . , , , \p{Sc}

, , , , , . , : \p{Currency_Symbol}

, PHP.


$pattern = '/Price: \p{Sc}\d+/u';


$text = 'Price: Β₯42';

, . , , , . , . , \p{Sinhala}

, \x{0D80}-\x{0DFF

}. , :

$pattern = '/[\x{0D80}-\x{0DFF}]/u';

, :

$pattern = '/\p{Sinhala}/u';


$text = 'ΰΆ΄ΰ·“ΰΆ‘ΰΆ ΰ·ŠΰΆ΄ΰ·“.ΰ·€ΰ·œΰΆ ΰ·Š`;
$contains_sinhala = preg_match($pattern, $text);

, , , !

P.S. β€” - . , .

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