Trust but verify: when spying on employees is a must

Surfing social networks, freelancing during work hours or playing solitaire - are you sure this is not about your employees? Maybe it's worth checking out?

About 50% of domestic companies monitor their employees. DLP, time trackers and time attendance systems have become nothing more than commonplace. The attitude to this can be different  -  insanity, "soviet remnants", the deplorable legacy of the KGB, or advanced technologies that can increase the efficiency of workers several times. The fact remains: the trend for virtual control will not lose its relevance in the near future.

Moreover, monitoring programs are getting smarter every year: they are already looking for "industrial spies", analyzing employee behavior, monitoring activities at the desktop, and so on.

Thus, it is no longer relevant to debate the advisability of surveillance at work - it is time to discuss how to adapt to new market conditions, employers' requirements and a new interpretation of personal boundaries.

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Corporate information

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Control over the activities of employees

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Access to workflows

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Benefits of employee surveillance

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Control over employees

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Monitoring programs

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Establishing surveillance

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Yes, "surveillance" can cause tangible discontent among specialists. Yes, working under someone's gaze is morally difficult. However, a lot depends on the filing of the head. Employees should be aware that control is beneficial to the common cause and is needed to improve the efficiency of the company.

The employer, for his part, must also adhere to the golden mean: if an employee allows himself to take a break from work due to feeling unwell or spend 30 minutes on social networks after several hours of hard work, it is not a crime. But frank idleness can and should be punished.

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