How to quit playing video games

In the previous part, we talked about why you should quit compulsive games. If you do decide to do this, there are two ways to do it: gaming in moderation, or getting dragged out.

If you are addicted to games, moderation will be difficult from the start. Addiction is defined by an inability to control oneself, which is why most people who try to move from obsession to moderate play usually fail.

A more effective way is to go to the eyeballs for a certain period of time. This will help you rethink your attitude towards gaming, and it will also help you break the free time = playtime equation. It should be at least 30 days, but I've found that quitting games for 90 or 100 days is usually the most effective because it's enough to change your whole life. If you think 90 days is too difficult, choose 30.

This requires strong motivation. You also need real reasons to take on this challenge. Maybe you are really unhappy with your life in moments when you are not playing, or maybe you understand how the game is detrimental to your life and decide to do something about it.

If you are addicted to games, not playing alone will not solve all your problems, because you are playing games to get away from something. This is why people often jump from one addiction to another (from gaming to surfing on Reddit (Habr) and other sites all day long). This is why you need to build your new life around more enjoyable activities.

To stop playing excessively, you need to do 2 things:

  1. Stop playing for a set period

  2. Build your new life without games

The decision to quit games can be planned in advance, but more often than not, we just get tired of our own life and decide to change everything spontaneously.

Step 1. Stop playing

It takes more steps than you think to quit playing games, but you must:

  • Delete all games

  • Uninstall all game apps and yes, I mean everything. Even games on your smartphone

  • Youtube,

  • Youtube, ,

  • Twitch

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  • Reddit(Habr)

  • Youtube

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  • Netflix

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Again, giving up gaming won't make you a superhero by itself, but it will give you the space to build a fulfilling life. Ideally, you want this life to be so good that games no longer excite you or you use them as something to unwind from time to time.

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