Most Popular Databases - 2006–2021

(article updated May 2021)

What database management systems (DBMS) are most common in the world? How have they changed since 2006 and which are among the ten most popular? In this article, we will analyze the databases that were at their peak from 2006 to 2021. The data is updated every month. More details - in the index of the leading databases TOPDB . So, let's take a look at the most popular databases from 2006 to 2021.

15 most popular databases from 2006 to 2021

Which database became the most popular in 2021? According to the DB rating, this is Oracle. This database is used by 30.2% of the respondents. Two times less respondents use MySQL (16.65%) and SQL Server (13.21%) - second and third places, respectively. Together, these three DBMSs account for more than 62% of the total number of users. The fourth line is occupied by Microsoft Access DBMS - 9%. The share of databases, which took the fifth and subsequent places, accounts for less than 5%.

Oracle , 15  . 2006  31,8 % . MySQL β€” 24,5 %. 2006  55 % . 2006  Microsoft Access. 17,6 % , 2021  9,07 %. SQL Server , - 13 %, Access.

DB-Engines β€” 2021 

2021  DB-Engines Oracle. MySQL, 1236 , Microsoft SQL Server β€” 992,66 .

DB-Engines β€” 2021 : Flourish

TOPDB. TOPBD : Β« TOPDB Google, Β». DB-Engines?

. Oracle (1321,73 ),  β€” MySQL (1254,83 ),  β€” Microsoft SQL Server (1015 ). : DB-Engines PostgreSQL, 549,29 .

DB-Engines β€” 10  β€” 2021 : Flourish

: TOPDB Microsoft Access , DB-Engines Access 118,14 . , Oracle. ( , ,

50 , ? . Microsoft Azure SQL Database, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB Snowflake . Microsoft Azure (35,44 %),  β€” Snowflake (+20,77 %). Google BigQuery, Redis Amazon DynamoDB. BigQuery (+8,51 %),  β€” Amazon DynamoDB (+6,38 %).

DB-Engines β€” 50  β€” 2021 : Flourish

: Microsoft SQL Server (–82,55 %), Oracle (–18,91 %) Hive (–9,34 %). , , - . Oracle, MySQL Microsoft SQL β€”  β€” 35,55 %.

DB-Engines ( ). .

, , TOPDB DB-Engines. .

2006 2021.


Β« Β». , β€” , .

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