Areas of responsibility in the project

The issue of boundaries and areas of responsibility is global in itself. For a person, for example, the formation of personal boundaries is a stage of growing up and becoming a person. 

But if you look at the boundaries in the context of IT projects, it turns out that due to poor quality boundaries, problems regularly arise. They lead to anything from the loss of valuable staff with negative feedback about working for the company to the failure of projects.

Below I will try to speculate when these problems are encountered, I will offer an example from experience and a variant of fixing the boundaries of areas of responsibility.

When border problems begin

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Cycle of discontent in the project

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  • Responsible โ€” , ,

  • Accountable โ€” ,

  • Consulted โ€” ,

  • Informed โ€” , ,

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Circles of responsibility
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The interaction between analytics and management has been fixed - the rest has also been fixed

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It is important to understand that there are always functions. It is just that one person can perform the functions of several roles. And when a new person comes to the team, especially if this is a new dedicated role in the team, it is important to fix what this person will do and what powers are transferred to him.

And it is worth saying that the described approach to the division of responsibility is probably not the only correct one. Now we have come to this. Maybe after some time we will understand that here, too, everything is not so smooth. But this does not mean that we will abandon the fixation of functions and the fact that the responsibility for them is divided between roles. It may just be that we will drink in some other way.

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