Simple architecture of Angular applications

Introduction to Atomic Design

Can you tell at a glance what is inside a shared module? And, without opening another file, tell which components have dependencies or bindings to other components? Whatever your answer, I suggest you brew some tea or coffee and understand the basics of Brad Frost's atomic design theory with me



Directory structure for atomic design in Angular

, Angular « — » ( «  — »). , , .

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 — «»

, . (@Input) - (@Output). , .

  •  — , . HTML- .

  •  — .

 — «»

HTML-, «» , TypeScript.

, , , .

, , . «» , . , . «» TypeScript HTML-CSS. , . , - .

«», . , , .

 . HTML-CSS ng-content


( ), HTML-. , .


A template component that groups common wrapper code alongside styling and has no logic.
-, .


A page or smart component based on a template component.  It has no styles, but it drives the logic.
«» -. , .

, Angular Material, . , router-outlet

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core/features/shared (  /  / ). «» /, .

"JavaScript Developer. Professional".

"Async Patterns JavaScript". JavaScript, , map, reduce . !

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