How Apple's Facebook Failed: iOS 14.5 vs. User Tracking

It's not uncommon for Apple and Facebook bosses to feud with each other over privacy issues. Back in 2018, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg accused his Apple counterpart Tim Cook of being "extremely talkative" for making harsh remarks about Facebook's involvement in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. A few weeks later, Apple introduced a privacy control that cut Facebook's ability to collect user data from its devices.

At the end of last year, the situation became even more complicated. Apple has announced plans to introduce a policy so that apps will only be able to track user activity after they have voluntarily agreed to it. Before iOS 14.5, apps like Facebook could automatically collect data about product usage and user activity, and thus trade entire ad space. The update was designed to provide users with the ability to disable this kind of tracking.

Facebook responded by placing full-page ads in the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, in which it described Apple as a threat to "the 10 million companies that use our advertising tools every month to find new customers, hire employees and interact with their communities . " Cook replied that users "should have the right to control the collection and use of data about themselves . "

It may have looked like little more than a war of words, but in fact, Facebook, which warned in its 2020 financial statements about the "headwind" created by iOS 14.5, had every reason to worry. Since the update went live last month, iPhone owners have been dropping data tracking en masse. According to Flurry Analytics , 85% of users around the world clicked the "ask the app not to track" button when prompted, and in the US, that proportion rose to 94%. Apple declined to comment on the situation in any way.

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