Business Process Management Platform: Implementation Practice

MES systems, equipment monitoring, platform strategies, robot programming, complex production systems - all of this is of key importance for the industry, for increasing production efficiency, digitalization of the industry. This is important for professionals who do not just talk about digitalization, but do it themselves.

Manufacturing systems and solutions

Dmitry Lopatkin, a senior technical specialist at Dassault Systemes, spoke about one of the illustrative examples - the joint solution of Dassault Systemes and Tsifra Group of Companies. The Tsifra group of companies develops and implements platform solutions based on industrial artificial intelligence and the Internet of things, as well as develops the industry of robotic industrial transport.

β€œLet's say that you have the ability to connect and collect data from industrial equipment and work with this data. What is the next step to take?” Asks Dmitry Lopatkin. β€œIT is just a tool that helps to solve business problems, increasing operational efficiency.

If we talk about the DELMIA Apriso software product for operational management of production by Dassault Systemes and its architecture, then at its lowest level lies its own, built-in business process management platform Process Builder. And this is the only required requisite required for the implementation of such systems. It is here that all production processes that are part of the digitalization circuit are described. In addition to the processes themselves, all interfaces for connecting to equipment through automation systems or directly connecting business systems, such as ERP, are prescribed. These business processes are layered with functional modules that can be applied by users from various production disciplines: quality control, warehouses, MRO, production declaration. These are the elementswith whom the end user interacts - a CNC operator, a planner, employees of a logistics or repair service, etc. ".

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