PHP Digest # 204 (May 17 - 31, 2021)

Photo: Christian MΓΌnch .

During these two weeks of the core, the PHP team actively discussed the proposal for a Partial function Application and, as an alternative, Nikita Popov suggested a simpler syntax for getting a link to any function. It is also proposed to add static properties to the enums already adopted in PHP 8.1.

Symfony 6 will require PHP 8.0, and the released Doctrine 2.9 supports specifying metadata in attributes instead of PHPDoc.

Also in the release is a cool article about regexps and instructions for using Deployer, as well as other useful articles, a pack of tools, some videos and podcasts.

Enjoy reading!

PHP Internals

  • [RFC] First-class callable syntax

    [RFC] Partial Function Application .

    $fn = Closure::fromCallable('strlen');
    $fn = Closure::fromCallable([$this, 'method']);
    $fn = Closure::fromCallable([Foo::class, 'method']);
    $fn = strlen(...);
    $fn = $this->method(...);
    $fn = Foo::method(...);

    , , callable

    . , :

    array_map(Something::toString(...), [1, 2, 3]);
    array_map(strval(...), [1, 2, 3]);
    array_map([Something::class, 'toString'], [1, 2, 3])
    array_map('strval', [1, 2, 3]);

  • [RFC] Disable autovivification on false

    PHP null


    . false

    - Fatal error


    $a = true;
    $a[] = 'value'; // Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use a scalar value as an array
    $a = null;
    $a[] = 'value'; // Ok
    $a = false;
    $a[] = 'value'; //   ,   

  • [RFC] Allow static properties in enums

    PHP 8.1 . video PHP-

    , .

    enum Environment {
        case DEV;
        case STAGE;
        case PROD;
        private static Environment $currentEnvironment;
         * Read the current environment from a file on disk, once.
         * This will affect various parts of the application.
        public static function current(): Environment {
            if (!isset(self::$currentEnvironment)) {
                $info = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../../config.json'), true);
                self::$currentEnvironment = match($info['env']) {
                    'dev' => self::DEV,
                    'stage' => self::STAGE,
                    'prod' => self::PROD,
            return self::$currentEnvironment;
        // Other methods can also access self::$currentEnvironment
    printf("Current environment is %s\n", Environment::current()->name);

    . , .

    , PhpStorm 2021.2 enum

    , 2021.2 EAP.

  • [PR] HTTP Early Hint support

    , PHP . HTTP 1xx

    . , 103

    , Link, , , 200 OK


    , : 103

    , , header()

    , β€” echo


    , . - API Symfony HTTP.

  • check [RFC] Add IntlDatePatternGenerator

    . PHP 8.1 IntlDatePatternGenerator

    . PHP Internals News #85 RFC.

  • [RFC] Final class constants


  • Internals

    issues GitHub. , . , . PHP, issue php/doc-en php/doc-ru. .





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