Game theory as a mechanism for analyzing large-scale data

, , . , . β€” . "Machine Learning Deep Learning" , DeepMind EigenGame, .

. , . DeepMind , β€” Capture the Flag, Starcraft [ , , StarCraft II ]. , .

ICLR β€” 2021 ( ) "EigenGame: PCA ", (Outstanding Paper Award). : (PCA), . EigenGame. PCA ( ); , , , , . , , , .


1900- PCA , . , . . PCA , .

-, , , , , . , PCA, , , , , , GPU TPU.

-, PCA , (SVD). PCA .

Fig.  1. SVD-based knowledge tree covers many fundamental ideas of machine learning, including PCA, least squares, spectral clustering, conditional value functions, latent semantic indexing and sorting.
. 1. SVD , PCA, , , , -

, PCA , , . ; , PCA: , .

Fig.  2 Each player wants to move in the direction of maximum variance (more scatter of data), but at the same time remain perpendicular to the players higher in the hierarchy (all players with a lower number)
. 2 ( ), , ( )

EigenGame . , , , "" . : 1 , , "" , . .

Fig.  3. Determination of the utility of each player higher in the hierarchy
. 3.

Var Align , :

  • , , PCA.

  • , , .

Fig.  4. EigenGame directs each player in parallel along the unit sphere from empty circles to arrows.  Blue - player 1. Red - player 2. Green - player 3
. 4. EigenGame . β€” 1. β€” 2. β€” 3

, TPU Google Cloud, . , . , , EigenGame .

. 5.       . (L)         . (R)         ,    ;    ,
. 5. . (L) . (R) , ; ,

, ,

PCA , . , , . EigenGame , , , , . , PCA, - . - , .

, : , . , , , , , .

- , EigenGame, - . , . , , , , - .

. 6.
. 6.

EigenGame . ; . , (GANs) .

EigenGame , , , , . , , .

, , . , .

EigenGame: PCA EigenGame Unloaded: , . , DeepMind .

, , , , , . , "Machine Learning Deep Learning" β€” .

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