Python algorithmic trading tools. SMA + Bollinger Bands on Severstal shares + ready-made strategy code

Previous article on " Calculating Daily Price Change "

When I wrote the last article (it was the first of a series), I did not expect that readers would be divided into 2 categories:

  1. Those who believe in algorithmic trading

  2. Those who believe that I am a charlatan

For both groups, I remind you that the goal of algorithmic trading is to increase the likelihood of making a profit on a trade.

Or, as they say in "game theory" - to make the mathematical expectation of the game positive.

Therefore, I invite the audience to agree on the following:

  1. If your comment has a scientific meaning, then write it under the post in Habré.

  2. If your comment carries a controversial message, then I ask you to ask it in a specially created channel in the cart .

Actually, here I come to the essence of this article.

SMA (Simple Moving Average) is an indicator based on calculating the average closing price of a security.

For those who do not know what SMA is, I will give an algorithm for calculating it:

  1. "close" t1 t2 t1 t2.

  2. N close.

  3. (simple average).

  4. ( moving) 3

  5. 4 , t2

SMA (N=20) close ( CHMF) 27 2021.:

, SMA Close 20 .

(Bollinger Bands)

1980 SMA, STD (standart deviation, ). , , .

, std 2. , 95% close 5% .

, close , . , , close , .

: , ( ).

Google Colab



- Google Colab. 100.

, ( , ), '2020-05-31' '2021-05-31' CHMF :

1. = 1.28

2. = 0.0038

3. = 0.015

4. = -0.045

5. = 0.052

6. = 0.007

7. = 153

8. = 100

9. = 53

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