The hidden gems of Python

Python features I never knew existed

Recently, I've had a new hobby - reading the Python documentation just for fun! When you read in your spare time, you tend to notice interesting tidbits that you would otherwise miss. So, here is a list of the "pieces" that made me say:

ABOUT! Can you do it in Python?

1. Attributes of functions

Just like you can set the attributes of classes and objects, you can also set the attributes of functions.

def func(x):
    intermediate_var = x**2 + x + 1

    if intermediate_var % 2:
        y = intermediate_var ** 3
        y = intermediate_var **3 + 1

    # setting attributes here
    func.optional_return = intermediate_var
    func.is_awesome = 'Yes, my function is awesome.'

    return y

y = func(3)
print('Final answer is', y)

# Accessing function attributes
print('Show calculations -->', func.optional_return)
print('Is my function awesome? -->', func.is_awesome)

«optional_return» 10 «is_awesome» 11. 19 20. :

Final answer is 2197

Show calculations --> 13

Is my function awesome? --> Yes, my function is awesome.

, , , return . , , .

2. for-else

Python else for. else , break.

my_list = ['some', 'list', 'containing', 'five', 'elements']

min_len = 3

for element in my_list:
    if len(element) < min_len:
        print(f'Caught an element shorter than {min_len} letters')
    print(f'All elements at least {min_len} letters long')

All elements at least 3 letters long

, else for, if. . , break. , else ( for) , .

, , break. , , , , . :

my_list = ['some', 'list', 'containing', 'five', 'elements']

min_len = 3

no_break = True
for element in my_list:
    if len(element) < min_len:
        print(f'Caught an element shorter than {min_len} letters')
        no_break = False

if no_break:
    print(f'All elements at least {min_len} letters long')

, .

3.  int

10000000 100000000 ( ?). , Python, , , Python .

Python : . , 1_000_000 .

a = 3250
b = 67_543_423_778


<class 'int'>

<class 'int'>


4. eval () exec ()

Python Python . eval() exec() (‘eval’ ;  ‘exec’ ).

a = 3

b = eval('a + 2')
print('b =', b)

exec('c = a ** 2')
print('c is', c)

b = 5

c is 9

eval() Python, b. 6 exec() Python .

. , 1000 _0, _1, .., _999 . , , .

, ( Python) eval/exec , , , , , . […] exec – Python, Python, , , – * *, exec .


5. (Ellipsis)

( «…») - Python, None, True, False .. -, , (, , ):


pass, , , .

def some_function():
def another_function():

5.2. NONE

None , . None . .

# calculate nth odd number
def nth_odd(n):
    if isinstance(n, int):
        return 2 * n - 1
        return None

# calculate the original n of nth odd number
def original_num(m=...):
    if m is ...:
        print('This function needs some input')
    elif m is None:
        print('Non integer input provided to nth_odd() function')
    elif isinstance(m, int):
        if m % 2:
            print(f'{m} is {int((m + 1)/2)}th odd number')
            print(f'{m} is not an odd number')


a = nth_odd(n='some string')

b = nth_odd(5)


  nth_odd() n- , c n. original_num() n, n- . None – original_num(), m. :

This function needs some input

Non integer input provided to nth_odd() function

9 is 5th odd number

16 is not an odd number

5.3.   NumPy

NumPy . :

import numpy as np

a = np.arange(16).reshape(2,2,2,2)

print(a[..., 0].flatten())
print(a[:, :, :, 0].flatten())

[ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14]

[ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14]

, ‘…’ ,   ‘:’, .

Unlike None (whose Boolean is False), the Boolean value of the Ellipsis is True.


So, I discovered the following interesting features.

Function Attributes: Assigning attributes to functions as well as objects.

For-else Loop: Tracking if the loop was executed without a break statement.

The delimiters for int: 32_534_478 are int.

eval () and exec (): read lines as Python code and run it.

Ellipsis: A generic built-in constant.

Parting words

Python is not only a useful language, but also really interesting. We are all busy with our lives, but this does not interfere with learning the language for its own sake. I would like to know more about the Easter Eggs you might find.

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