Digest of interesting materials for a mobile developer # 395 (May 24 - 30)

This digest features a move to Swift and 36 seconds of availability, in-app purchase validation and cross-system testing, a cute changelog, netcode issues, Coinbase's move to React Native, and more!

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news in the Telegram channel .


  How Lenya moved from React to Swift

  Availability on iOS started from "36 seconds"

The most popular SDKs after the release of iOS 14.5

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference will start on June 7 and will be held online

Evan Spiegel supported the App Store tax and Apple safeguards

How to control keyboard behavior in iOS applications

MVP architecture for iOS

How to develop iOS apps without a Mac

How to use SnapKit in your iOS apps

How to use Firebase Remote Config with Swift 5

3 ways to style SwiftUI views

HMS ML Kit: Real-time translation (iOS - Swift)

ScrollingContentViewController: Simple creation scrolling View

NotificationToast: toasts for iOS

CalendarKit: calendar for iOS, iPadOS and macOS


  Integration and server-side validation of inapps for the Google Play store - how to protect yourself from cheaters

  Updating to the new version of the Android API as instructed by Google

  Creating an Android application quickly and easily

  Why is Kotlin better than Java?

  Features of testing Android without Google-services

  Getting the result correctly (Part 2). Fragment Result API

How to improve your skills as a beginner Android developer: 5 open source projects to learn

Useful Kotlin extensions for Android

Hilt is stable. Easier Dependency Injection on Android

Upgrading Your Kotlin Data Class with Extensions

A Historical Introduction to the Compose Reactive State Model

A Brand New State in Jetpack Compose

Improving Java to Kotlin Code Conversion: An Example

Structured Concurrency in Action

Get Started Here: 5 Exercises to Get Your Application Running with large screens

Getting Started with WorkManager

Simple Instrument Tests (UI Tests) for Android in 2021

An Introduction to Security By Design

KodeEditor: code editor for Android

SuperForwardView: rewind in Netflix style


  Why we decided to create a cross-system testing department

  Lags, jitter and packet loss: where netcode problems come from and how to solve them

  7 QA-sins that will help or prevent the tester (to become what you want)

  Why Apple (and Google) is banned

  How to write a nice changelog: Avito's experience

  You can't do without a team lead, but what about a tech lead?

  How to save a tester's nerves or speed up regression from 8 to 2 hours

  How I wanted to work as a native Android developer, but got a job as a Flutter developer

  Dart: Fast immutable collections

  6 ways to reduce the cognitive load from the interface

Podlodka # 217: facilitation

Flutter Dev Podcast # 27: How UI Rendering Works

How Coinbase Migrated to React Native

Stack Overflow Launched New Annual Developer Survey

Fuchsia Gets Its First Device

My SaaS Achieved MRR $ 12.5K in One Month: Here's What I Learned

Where do programmers go?

• The online conference Google for Games Developer Summit 2021 will be held in July

The design problem is the designers themselves

Users don't care about design: how “good UX” actually works

Want to become the best UX designer? Design Emotional

The Best Programming Languages ​​to Learn in 2021

10 Things Experienced Developers Know Well

Why Good Programmers Are Rejected by Software Companies

Don't give a damn about accessibility

Most wanted programming languages ​​in 2021

Avoid CI / CD blocking - make your builds more portable

Flutter: CRUD using Firebase Cloud Firestore

One Habit to Become a Better Developer

What's New in Flutter 2.2

"Library developer "from Google

Analytics, marketing and monetization

  Dataset about mobile applications

Advertising of mobile games in the first half of 2021: world statistics

RevenueCat Closes Series B at $ 300M

Lightrun Debug Platform Gets $ 23M

Noom Weight Loss Platform Raises $ 540M

Mobile App Trends 2021: Adjust Report

Dating Apps Suggest Improvements to Vaccinated People

Google Launches App Campaigns on Desktop

Netflix is ​​thinking about entering the gaming market

"Technologies alone are not enough": what annoys the advertising market at Apple and how it makes money on the closedness of the

AI system , Devices, IoT

  ML: "inhuman" technologies for human prices

  TinyML. Compressing the neural network

  SberCloud + Intel oneAPI = preferential cloud for ML-developers

IBM has developed a Project CodeNet dataset for teaching AI programming

How to do business on AR / VR

Mail.ru Group has opened a new set for free training in the MADE Big Data Academy

Microsoft used GPT-3 to generate natural language code

Best Buy launches smartphone sales for seniors

Previous digest... If you have other interesting materials or you have found a mistake, please send it to the mail .

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