Getting Started with the Zynq 7000. A Beginner's Guide

More recently, I came across one of the options for a debug board with SoC Zynq XC7Z020. After searching the Internet for materials, a la how-to, and trying to throw in my minimal project, I discovered that there are a number of pitfalls. This is what I would like to talk about in the article. Who cares - welcome to cat.

Important! Before starting the story, I would like to make a reservation in advance that the main goal that I am pursuing when writing this article is to show amateurs where to start when studying debug boards based on Zynq. I am not a professional developer for FPGA and SoC Zynq and I can make any mistakes in the use of terminology, use not the most optimal ways of solving problems, etc. But any constructive and well-reasoned criticism is only welcome. Well, let's go ...

What kind of debugging is this? Show-tell ...

For a very long time I wanted to play with SoC Zynq, but my hands could not reach. But once again googling - I saw that debugging with Zynq on board, from the QMTech company, is being sold for a completely sane price tag, it is called Bajie Board. Debug is available in several flavors with different Zynq SoC flavors. I chose the XC7Z020 version for myself and immediately ordered it, after a couple of weeks I already had it in my hands.

, . , 5/2, mini-USB microSD Flash- SanDisk 16 Linux. , , USB-, Putty mini- Embedded Linux. Linux Zynq, , , ...

, -:

  • SoC: XC7Z020-1CLG400C 

  • (datasheet:;

  • 33,333 ;

  • DDR3 512 Micron, MT41K256M16TW-107:P;

  • micro SD;

  • FPGA TPS563201 ( 4.5V 17​V, 3A);

  • 50- Digilent PMOD , , 2,54 . ( , );

  • (PS);

  • RGMII Ethernet- Realtek RTL8211E-VL, PS;

  • , (PL) (PS);

  • HDMI- TI TPD12S016;

  • JTAG-;


, , - JTAG-. .

, Xilinx Vivado Xilinx SDK. , , Vivado . Xilinx SDK ( Vitis) .

YouTube Vivado 2019.1 ( - , Xilinx SDK) - , 2020.2.

Xilinx Zynq - Xilinx, . , , Vivado - 2020.2, 2020.3 .. Versal SoC, Zynq.

, .. Linux - Vivado Archive - 2019.1   Vivado HLx 2019.1: WebPACK and Editions - Linux Self Extracting Web Installer Vivado Design Suite - HLx Editions - 2019.1. Windows - Windows Self Extracting Web Installer.

, :

chmod +x ~/Downloads/Xilinx_Vivado_SDK_Web_2019.1_0524_1430_Lin64.bin

  1. , ;

  2. ;

  3. Vivado HL WebPACK;

  4. , SoC Zynq .

  5. 16 -, .

Vivado JTAG-. Linux :

cd Xilinx2019.1/Vivado/2019.1/data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_script/install_drivers/
sudo ./install_drivers 

6 JTAG- . :

cd ~/Xilinx2019.1/Vivado/2019.1/bin
xsdb% connect -host localhost   
xsdb% jtag targets                                                                                                                                                           
  1  Platform Cable USB 13724327082b01
     2  arm_dap (idcode 4ba00477 irlen 4)
     3  xc7z020 (idcode 23727093 irlen 6 fpga)


Hello, world β€œ ”

LED- . 

Vivado . File - Project - New…

, Next > PL-Blink.

RTL Project Do not specify sources at this time.



Vivado !

, , , =)

Sources Add Sources.

Add or create constraints. 

Create file physical_constr. .

Finish Soures :

, , .  , , Ethernet- RTL8211E-VL PLL, 125 H16 (IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_35).  ? =)

, .

, , H17 (IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_35) , .

. constraints- :

# User LED and Clock
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports led_h17_d4]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33 [get_ports sys_clk]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN H17 [get_ports led_h17_d4]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN H16 [get_ports sys_clk]

, , , , . 

, get_ports ( ). , Verilog-. 

, Physical Constraints 8.

Design Source. Sources Add Sources.

Add or create design sources. Create File, , Verilog. Finish.



Verilog- :

//  ,         Verilog.
//  ,      .

`timescale 1ns / 1ps 	
//   - (   ++)
module pl_blink(input sys_clk, output led_h17_d4);
reg r_led; 

//      ,   
reg [31:0] counter;

initial begin
    counter <= 32'b0;	//   	
    r_led <= 1'b0;		//      

//    ,        
always@(posedge sys_clk)
    counter <= counter + 1'b1;	//  
    if(counter > 12000000)		//      
        r_led <= !r_led;		//      
        counter <= 32'b0;		//  

assign led_h17_d4 = r_led;          //     ()


Ctrl + S . , . - , Zynq .

Run Synthesis . , :

Run implementation . Generate Bitstream :

, , Open Hardware Manager :

Hardware Manager Auto connect, :

In the menu on the left or by right-clicking on xc7z020_1 in the Hardware menu, click the Program Device item .

In the next window, make sure that the path to the bitstream file is correct and click the Program button.

The program is uploaded to our board ...

And after a moment, the D2 LED on the board lights up, which informs us that β€œFPGA DONE” and at the other end of the board we see a cheerfully blinking LED. =)

In general, the task can be considered completed. I think that as I master the Verilog language and solve any new problems using this board, I will be able to please you again.

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