Custom advertising campaigns in Google Ads

Specialists in contextual advertising for project development usually use such techniques as changing bid strategies, testing search and product campaigns, updating ads, cleaning sites and search queries, etc. This allows you to maintain the project at a good level and even scale it.

But over time, a plateau sets in and new approaches are needed for further development. talking about two custom ad campaigns

Discovery Campaigns on Google ADS

The campaign has ample opportunities to reach users: in YouTube, Gmail on the "Promotions" and "Social Networks" tabs.

In the ad account, select goal โ†’ sales, type of advertising campaign โ†’ Discovery.

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The work of a contextual advertising specialist is a hypothesis, testing, scaling of successful ideas. But even a successful project can stop developing over time. If you've used all of your usual ad setup options, try a new one, such as these ideas.

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